Fist 2 Fist 2: Weapon of Choice (2014)


Fist 2 Fist 2: Weapon of Choice incorporates one of the most followed plotlines in history in a rather amusing way. It begins with a clash between five armed men and a single hero, Jack Lee, who is played by the excellent Jino Kang (Fist 2 Fist, Blade Warrior). This sets the tone for the rest of the film. In the following scenes of the film, Jack Lee is seen living with his assumed daughter, Jamie, (Kelly Lou Dennis, Vampariah, Gold Mountain) in a beautiful neighborhood. She does get snatched away by men in masks. Lee manages to take down a few of the masked men with his impressive close-quarters combat.

As expected, the men escape without consequence after attempting the kidnapping. A cell phone belonging to one of the deceased began ringing, and to Lee’s surprise, it was his old boss Michael Banducci, portrayed by the enigmatic Douglas Olsson (Criminal Minds, NCIS, Scandal), who initiated the kidnapping, which was a result of a business deal which was made and reconvened in a failure. For further information, please consult the film. Now we meet the protagonist of the film, Katherine Celio’s character Detective Ashlie (Ashley) Jordan, who is a true beauty (The Yellow Wallpaper, Malaise, Till Death). Lee gets arrested right outside where Jaime is being held by the police in San Francisco and is taken to a police station where he gets interrogated by the FBI. It is considered more secure to relocate Lee to a safe house. While trying to approach Lee in the safe house, Ash is interrupted when an unknown force opens fire on the safe house.

Only Lee and Ash manage to get out, but Lee is hurt. Ash brings him to a place where he can rest and heal. The two of them begin a love affair and begin working together to defeat Banducci and rescue Jaime. The final battle takes place in a warehouse where Lee fights many bad guys while Ash goes to save Jaime.

Lee fights with Banducci at the end of the movie, who has now captured Lee’s brother-in-law, Jaime’s father. However, Lee’s brother-in-law decides to kill himself so Lee can finish off Banducci. Overall, good action movie, it included funny moments and had an interesting twist with the antihero; a hitman with a heart. Kang demonstrates once again that he is a master in the story, as the writer, main actor, fight choreographer, and co-director. He has crafted the most flawless fight scene through his years of martial arts as a champion. With a great supporting cast that portrays memorable characters and an ending that promises a sequel, this movie is one of the best low-budget action films out there today. There’s great cinematography, and pleasing sounds that all come together to captivate the viewer. It’s one of the best action films ever for people who love watching quality low-budget action movies.

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