First off, the whole thing of Dolph Lundgren depicting a demon hunter in the southern regions of the United States does not grab my attention. Well, allow me to first begin by stating that “while the photograph reveals an ominously photoshopped DVD cover, do not infringe don’t kill it out of your list. It is not only a gem in the midst of the found footage horror films, but is so good that it needs to be shown to other horror genre enthusiasts as well.”
The movie starts with a dog and a hunter in the woods. There is a hunter with a dog and his attempt at netting a deer which he clearly misses. He sets out looking for his dog, which takes off chasing a small ornate coffer in the middle of the woods, completely fascinated with the invisible things inside, then gets out of the trance long enough to lunge at his owner.
Usually, an introduction would not get compared to a gunshot, but in this case, it’s quite accurate and fitting for a movie that decides to go full throttle right off the bat. Don’t Kill It features a parasitic demon as the main antagonist, and this demon has one goal; to hurt, maim, and murder. Don’t Kill It could work as a short film, as the plot device is self-contained. The glee the demon takes in possessing C02-deprived bodies is contagious for those of us who possess a slightly morbid sense of humor. It really is quite the treat once it starts unleashing havoc.
DKI is an unintentionally entertaining movie where its attempts to entertain fail miserably. Lundgren has always been an average actor and he has never struck me as being charming in any way. In this particular movie, he excels and transforms into a character that is unbelievably out of touch, socially inept, grumpy yet highly engaging. Lundgren, as demon hunter Jebediah Woodley, delivers one of his best performances because for once he was able to successfully step into the shoes of a character instead of resorting to a lifeless presentation of his overly muscular self.
The performances here surpass most VOD films and the characters possess enough humor along with peculiarities associated with small towns that there are numerous occasions when the movie feels much larger than its budget. This is no better shown than when the villain comes to the front and Don’t Kill It really goes for broke. These are mostly soaked in a generous helping of the red stuff as courtesy of Mike Mendez, and it really delivers. Don’t Kill It is so good at capturing the weirdness at its heart that instead of being memorable it shifts these scenes of horror into comedy to a level that should be in the horror-comedy Hall of Fame. Just for those who are not as excited as me after the first five minutes: fast-forward to the town hall meeting and you will not need to remind me to say ‘I told you so’.
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