Desert Wolf (2019)



The production company Lone Gunsligher Pictures has teamed up with Beau Yotty to make independent films featuring classic horror villains. With such a captivating idea, it’s no wonder that Yotty’s movies keep performing well, and I’m ever-excited to keep watching his films. Desert Wolf made me feel as if I was seeing a Hammer Film being played out in the Wild Wild West. But before I get too deep into this review, let me share some details about the film first. Sheriff Garrett is the main character of the film. He is the first one on the scene of an animal attack in the movie titled Desert Wolf, which was written and directed by Beau Yotty. Honestly, the movie features some of the most interesting and Michael Myers clue-packed action, I have ever witnessed while keeping me at the very edge of my seat.

Desert Wolf is your typical run of the mill werewolf film that follows our protagonist fighting to escape the beast’s clutches, only to be cursed like the beast. As it goes with Yotty, there’s a bit more charm to this story than you are accustomed to. There you go, added bonus. Desert Wolf is part horror part science fiction, and part drama, all set in the beautiful desert setting that Lone Gunslinger Pictures manages to exploit. Not surprisingly, the setting is ideal for the capturing of classic creature features, and the monsters of the 80s and 40s thrive in a warm and familiar story that is bound to make fans of classical horror rejoice. While it is filled with typical werewolf tropes alongside many other interesting supporting characters, it is difficult to tell which film is better, this one or Beau’s last film, Unearthed: The Cursed Of Nephthys. And, hey, there are worse problems to have. This one is a little older than the other, but its story is more well pulled off with the independent budget.

Desert Wolf was produced by Sandra Mateu and includes the captivating work of Nathan Yotty on the camera. I have no complaints regarding the acting, however, the production value is quite low. For one, the audio is the weakest and perhaps proper investing in recording equipment would solve the problem. Second, some of the night shots were too dark. Last, I caught a couple of rough cuts. What does this imply for Desert Wolf? The villain meshed well with the story, the acting was decent enough, the scenery was nice and the style was good enough to give this film a pass. But unless you’re fond of independent films, I advise you watch the trailer below first. There are much better werewolf horrors out there, just none of them are going to feel like a magic-laden, gut-ripping, pride and primal evil drenched western drama. My advice to Beau and the rest of his crew is to just slow down. It must be wonderful getting to live your dream and producing a film, but it’s not about how many movies you make, it’s about the quality.

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