Crackerjack 2 (1997)



At the very end of his review, Chris the Brain claimed that it is my duty to write the review of Crackerjack 2. Well, baby… look at me now!

Wild about Jack: A recasting of the lead actor resulted in Judge Reinhold getting casted as the character Jack Wild so right off the bat, I can tell you my impression was not a good one. The sweet gun battle that opens the movies was not a enough hook for me to get onboard with Judge Reinhold as the main man so now I’m left saying ‘We’ll see, I guess’. There is nothing about him that makes me think ‘action hero’.

Jack is back: Jack Wild was also a cop but he was a veteran one. Eight years ago his wife passed away in an explosion that was meant for him. The man responsible for the explosion was Hans Becker, played by Karel Roden. I don’t know if this was made to make the movie even more of a Die Hard knockoff, but it certainly did look that way. Jack without a doubt feels responsible for his wife’s death and even thoough he married the sexy Carol Alt, he still wishes to give Hans the serves.

The Train Heist: What could possibly go wrong with getting from Point A to Point B by train? In charge of the wealthy passengers is Jack Wild’s new girlfriend, Dana Townsend (Carol Alt). The train is soon taken over by a man called Mr. Smith Becker and some of his friends, who begin to interrogate different passengers on board.

Jack got lucky as his ex-Police friend who was injured during the Becker explosion as well as is trained as a helicopter pilot happens to be free to assist Jack with getting him on board the moving train without getting him killed. It is also fortunate for Jack that his friend lives to tell the tale and begins the long and arduous task of getting Jack and any other unfortunate passengers from the tunnel they are likely to be stuck in. What a pal, right?

Cops are stupid: most of them in higher positions as is the case in this movie, and he is one of them. He is such a moron because he picks arguments with Jack as a hobby and is consistently wrong. On top of all that, he’s a moronic National Guard who makes sure he is able to radio for the helicopters to come and start throwing missiles at the bad guys. And of course, it does not work. When in an action flick did you ever see the National Guard show up and actually do something good?

Actually, no. This particular Smith is much older and thus not as terrifying Mr. Weaving.

His role involves extracting bank account details from the passengers, so the evil guys can get richto examine the countless people that Becker repeatedly tries to kill and fails miserably each time. To be fair, it is quite sad. Jack, in this case, does attempt to board the train secretly. He breaks into the cage, where prisoners are captured and moves around, murdering enemies humanely. For the most part, it involves Judge Reinhold evading capture while Becker completely collapses at trying to do anything.

We’ll win, or else: Judge is definitely not John Wayne. Watching Crackerjack 2 makes that painfully clear. In the final act, he is literally pummeled by a 58 year old man. To be perfectly honest, the true heroine of this story deserves to be Carol Alt. She does so much more to aid the passengers, and even rescues Jack in the end. It also doesn’t hurt that she is in her underwear for a few minutes early in the film. That’s the easy way to win my heart!

There is simply no denying that Crackerjack 2 is an awful film. It does not set up any of the characters in the movie as someone worthy of fear/cheer/care for. Is Judge Reinhold a hero? Wow, could his performance be any more monotonous? The bad guys are just place holders for that line in the script where you are so desperate to kill someone that you lance out tired one-liners. Everything else is deliberately dull, there’s nothing special to the action apart from that initial gunfight and certain characters are totally sidelined once they’ve served their purpose. This would be a half decent movie if Seagal or Van Damme was cast, but sadly, they are not here.

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