Once you begin watching Citizen Weiner, you might recognize Zack Weiner, the film’s main character. The category begins with a review of the material that will appear in the document, such as Weiner being joked about on nightly talk shows, grimaces from certain people, and an out-of-focus video that conveniently appears at the most crucial moment. If you remember the last year’s elections for New York City Council, you might have remembered Weiner as a main candidate whose BDSM video appeared in the press back then. This is a very recent history of popular culture that is easily forgotten: back in the day of many quarantine measures. Citizen Weiner does not help in redeeming any ideas from this eruption that history has cast away.
Introductory interviews preclude the reader with some background. Writer and actor Weiner performed in Robbins’ earlier features including a horror film called Pledge, which Weiner co-wrote, back in 2018. With the lockdown being imposed, they go on to local politics with the goal of following the process of such politics from the very beginning to the final stage. If the ties to the show business are not the sort of hints that provide an answer then all of their bad jokes in the campaign do it’s all fake all of it, including the ultimate footage leak, are planned out and designed to further this mockup-documentary.
This has been seen before. For instance, some may have viewed the movie Mister America before, because it came out in 2019 and was part of the ongoing On Cinema web series/soap opera. The people that are covered in the film Citizen Weiner do not have that privilege (unless they happen to follow the news and happened to remember this story), and they don’t do an even remotely convincing job of justifying their prank. Other campaign staff members represent the background nonacting attitude uninteresting and uninformative improvised “performances” about nothing. The character who seems to have anticipated the success is their Communications Director Sarah Coffey towards the end. She is a self admitted TikTok star who manages to get the level of seriousness to a tolerable level that has surpassed what the majority of the team is operating at.
The campaign and the film that A. Weiner and friends have embarked upon is heading toward the primary vote. Unfortunately, it seems that these people just can’t campaign the same way they can’t cut their films. It is as if they are immune to anything actually happening as soon as their scripted clip is made public. The image of a bewildered Weiner and his campaign about to score its own goal is shattered when one of the representatives of the group sends out an email to NY Post Asking the staff to look at the video. Faking your incompetence and then proceeding to fail at doing the most basic things is however still an impressive way to go out, and one should take note that Weiner is still in the news and has gotten his ‘fame’ Of 15 minutes at least. That at least is worth something in their eyes.
The biggest letdown regarding the film Citizen Weiner is its empty content that seems directed only toward self-aggrandizement. Numerous movies have been creatively focused to elicit comedic ridicule considering the state of politics. But there’s not much else worth watching in Citizen Weiner apart from waiting for the participants to attempt a little bit of a sub-sub-Nathan Fielder routine. (It’s telling that two of the most compelling subjects, Weiner’s mother and one of their campaign lawyers seem to be completely at ease when speaking from a person’s perspective rather than a character’s.) Are these horrible deceptive acts to justify their pathetic deception of the American public? Apparently, yes. Raising funds for a retired election worker’s kidney transplant hardly seems like a noble deed. Starting with an opening title card that reads Politics is theater and attributes the quote to Harvey Milk does not help either. Instead, it appears that the authors of Citizen Weiner had the intention of demonstrating illusionism which is an elemental aspect of politics. Politics is a stage where performers wait to get called back to their actual real jobs. If you’ve ever gone out of your way to put on a performance, you should at least have the courtesy to do a proper job.
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