
Barber (2023)

Barber (2023)

Dublin is a bleak and isolating place, as depicted by Fintan Connolly’s work “Barber.” It’s filled with narrow streets, dark bars, and airless rooms. Even the expansive view from private investigator Val Barber’s ostentatious garage of his penthouse apartment feels claustrophobic, devoid of freedom or space. Irish society is quite interconnected, so knowing a secret

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Crater (2023)

Crater (2023)

In the present multicultural world, it is rare to find a movie for tweeners that is not patronizing. The movie industry is becoming increasingly unwilling to create movies that exhibit desperate loss, bleakness, and deep-rooted politics. An example of such a film pursuing the boldness of creation for this demographic is “Crater.” The film is

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War Pony (2022)

War Pony (2022)

In the stunning film “War Pony”, strivers such as Natives and dreamers alike trek across the parched terrains of the Pine Ridge Reservation in hopes of catching a glimpse of a new life- an aspirational tale with persistent perseverance at heart. It highlights the constant struggle they face at their level. To get a full

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Air (2023)

Air (2023)

The central protagonist, Sonny Vacarro, is putting in enormous effort to close the best deal of his life, and ‘Air’ highly reflects his trademark charisma.  Everyone is already aware that Michael Jordan rose to stardom and became one of the greatest players of all time, which is why Nike was focused on making Jordan a

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Hypnotic (2023)

Hypnotic (2023)

“Hypnotic” is a sci-fi thriller set in Texas that boasts of mind-reading antagonists that are policed by Ben Affleck. Personally, I feel that Sci-fi is never truly dull, however, this movie seemed to have an unnatural amount of vacant space in it. As far as the plot is concerned, our heroine seems to be in

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