Buddy Games: Spring Awakening (2023)

Buddy Games: Spring Awakening (2023)

I am willing to claim that both personally and professionally speaking, I have experienced the burden of watching really terrible movies. So, when I tell you that there are reasons to suggest that it is possible for ‘Buddy Games: Spring Awakening’ to be the worst movie I have ever watched, and I mean this in a way where I have gone to watch a lot more movies than this title, I want to clarify that I’m not just being funny. The only thing preventing me from saying that this definitely is the worst movie is the fact that it is so poorly constructed and poorly executed that it might not be considered a film in its proper sense. 

For those of you who missed the original ‘Buddy Games’ (2020) by Josh Duhamel, then let me summarize it for you. There is a set of six ‘friends’ who are all terrible and have not talked for five years, and for some reason they are in dire need to talk again. Ultimately, all of them decide to talk to each other at some point and soon get into a competition of who can do disgusting things better than the other.

This particular film tells the story of Duhamel’s America, which I believe is an absurd activity in itself. He famously employed a very low-budget Flying Pigs style of strip mall filmmaking. The story revolves six dudes and expresses their take on global issues using lines that range from ludicrous to cringeworthy. There was one part in his movie where for 60 seconds one of the guys attempted to annoy an Ableist Troll during a golf match. Unfortunately the joke fell flat. In another scene, they drink vodka until someone ends up going full Voldemort. The climax is reached when a few ‘cool kids’ toss their wallets in the air which lands on a table and spend the rest of the scene pretending to fight who should retrieve them. It was truly a dissapointing experience, and I too am left thinking why did he bother with the hackery.

Out of the six, four members, such as Duhamel (the producer and director of the show who has returned), shelly (Dan Bakke dahl), Doc (Kevin Dillon), and Bender (Nick Swardson) have absconded with the tokens of their late teammate. Shelly served as a struggling actor and Dax Shephard portrayed him in the original movie. The group has a plan to scatter the tokens on a beach resort which Zane, the remaining member (the gay Zayne, played by James Roday Rodriguez) does not want to join. The group is astonished to find out that the spring breakers have taken over the town. First, Zane was left behind to create a joke where he would whine about being forced to go back into the closet and hid himself from the angry family of the deceased.

The reality that ‘Spring Awakening’ is regarded as more than just amusing, is quite unfortunately let go too easily. After attending a party that lasts all night and partaking in unconventional methods of getting drunk, like one of them munching on mushrooms and later realizing that they are psychedelics, the boys are split up. With an ‘all-male’ cult aiming to eliminate the Fiery Phoenix (Carmel Amit) from deep within the women and replace it with an alpha male, Bob and Bender are taken captive. Shelly and Doc on the other hand, are setting off to find who Durfy adored back in his summer days. She, in their assumption, has been longing for him since they first met, thus they seek her out. Their journey takes them to a mix of grotesque and hyper sexed woman who owns a bed and breakfast and later asks them to feast on a skunk.

“Buddy Games: Spring Awakenings” is so remarkably bad in every conceivable way that one is left wondering how, at any point in time, anyone could have come up with the idea of making any of this. The characters are still cruel morons whose behavior is more cringe worthy than funny. If any of them happened to be on a bus somewhere around you, rest assured that you would change buses, and quite possibly the whole bus line. The vomit-inducing gags are more tedious than funny. In addition to the skunk bit previously mentioned, another disgusting mixture is drunk, then a toe is blasted off and subsequently retrieved by a dog, in what is possibly the worst Kurosawa homage of all time. The punchlines depicting the woke cult portray a degree of unfunny which has the feel as if the Bill Maher’s writers were hired in to work with the script. (The cult has a house run by a supercomputer whose full name is reduced to the acronym KAREN.)

Even if any of these jokes were remotely close to being hilarious, it would still remain insipid.

Duhamel had not a single touch to add while relating the story or timing when it came to the comedic parts of the film. It appears that his time working on ‘Movie 43’, a terrible movie with an A list cast taught him all he knows about cinematography. At least I found myself chuckling while viewing that creamer which is more than what I can say for Duhamel. The way he presents every plot is absolutely atrocious. It is difficult to understand Duhamel and Dillon, they both seem to be in competition with each other for the best Swardson impression and Bakkedahl does not seem to have a different agenda. Hard to believe, but they all have the same goal, to be as terrible as they can. Stranger things are happening and while one would expect everything is getting worse, the ending of the movie tries to change everything. It was hard to look for something sincere while watching the film, now I understand that must have inspired laughter as it could anger every bit of incredulity left in the viewer. 

‘Buddy Games Spring Awakening’ is the deeper end. It is bound for all the humor, nice feelings, and a coherent set of factors, of a particular agitated twitter thread. It lacks every sign of charm or great humor or even wit since it possesses the directorial mastery of a homemade video.

Every individual has a unique sense of humor and I wouldn’t criticize. However, if there is anyone that claims that this film is remotely funny, it’s best to steer clear of them.

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