Bagman (2024)

Bagman (2024
Bagman (2024)

My confusion knows no bounds, as this weekend I discover that there’s a new horror movie, one which I had reasonably expected I’d already watch playing at the theaters. Or so I thought A closer look at the picture leaves me thinking Bagman is a different picture altogether the one that I am thinking of is really Baghead. And don’t get me started on this British chiller After watching Colm McCarthy‘s Bagman, this film suddenly looks so much better in retrospect.

For one I’m always pleased whenever horror movies such as this bag man character explore the lesser known folkloric monsters. However, writer John Hulme was not very imaginative to begin with so why should he be when looking for material the title character of Bagman is quite literally another Boogeyman, just with a bag to put children into. Except naughty kids. We’re not sure if that last one actually pertains to the plot of this movie since there are no kids in the story that are particularly troublesome at all. If that were the case then waiting for a nice lady with magical powers to abduct you because of you playing with your mama’s pots and pans seems hopeless already. That girl was doomed from the start whether Bagman was around or not.

Bagman does say bad things do happen to good people or something along those lines. Well, needless to say, this movie has a lot of cliches in its dialogues. And it’s not even the Shyamalan esque stylization and somewhat surreal writing. Everything these aesthetically pleasing yet dull-voiced avatars utter is bland. It’s disappointing though because both Sam Claflin and Antonia Thomas are cast in lead roles. But, we really can’t expect much from their combined talents to dramatize this tightly wound script anyway.

With a low but reasonable budget, Bagman attempts to do the impossible. To make sure it wouldn’t be portrayed in a reliable style for cinema. I like the fact that there are bright day scenes and that awful yellowish tint that has become a norm in modern cinema and TV shows is absent in the movie, however, as a whole this project lacks the sort of depth which is hard not to be offended by. It’s virtually an anti cinema.

Character development is absent for both actors in the movies be it Claflin or Thomas, as their characters are hardly more developed than a piece of paper. With the exception of being financially challenged, these people have no defining features or engaging in meaningful activity. It is hard to describe the two actors since they do not have any noteworthy characteristics or contributions. In the case of the latter, he literally saw the persona when he was a boy, which made his character somewhat complex. Until then the other character played by Thomas seems more concerned with criticizing her beautiful child’s adorable toy musical instrument. Parker’s father must have been the bus driver or something because most of the action involves him failing to support his son or being an arsehole to him. Under any circumstances!

While it’s easy to bag on Bagman, at least it’s a step above Bagman in that Bagman resembles roughly the middle range of designs so at least it has a somewhat acceptable monster. There’s something unsettling about Will Davis and not just because he often appears cloaked in a robe and hoodie. To be fair no one is expecting it to be pretty given it is a PG-13 horror movie after all. If that’s what the market done dangling the pinata to kids, there’s considerably more blood than anyone would expect.

When it comes to 12 Slays of Christmas, there is no question that makeup artist Craig Jirasany is a perfect fit for the role as sculptor Richard Bagman in the film. He looks completely at ease with the unnaturally shallow, possessive, sniveling nanny that he has become. SLAY introduces itself in the opening credits with crudely animated visuals and a sound track from the twelve days of Christmas for some strange reason. Later it turns out that it was done in jest to amuse the audience, but the opening segments have an artistic quality that is distressing. SLAY claims to be a black comedy but fails to deliver and instead presents sixty-three minutes of rich people making a mockery of the rich. This I think was a commendable feat and something that the film sought to achieve, however instead of success, the film is left as an unfinished canvas appealing to neither the critics nor the audience.

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