AMFAD: All My Friends Are Dead

AMFAD: All My Friends Are Dead

This is obvious considering how during the whole movie, we are presented with a plot that is inspired by events from 1995’s a serial killer kills women in such a way that he encompasses all seven deadly sins (pride, greed, wrath, lust, gluttony, envy, and sloth). Other things that are brought into the mix for the plot are I Know What You Did Last Summer, Scream, Unfriend, and whatever other films depict a group of ignorant friends going to an isolated cabin somewhere in the woods.

In 2003 or 2004 (AMFAD seems to hold a different perspective for each of these years), the music festival Karmapalooza became infamous on the grounds of a serial killer, see above. It’s been two decades now, and no suspect has been caught.

It is now 2023 or 2024 (again the film votes for either at different points), and Karmapalooza is making its comeback. Newscasters and police detective Daniels (Pete Graham) all voice their hopes that the killer doesn’t come back, as well. In the prologue, we are told about a beautiful young woman called Collette (JoJo Siwa) who almost definitely committed suicide. A voice-over informs us that she has a friend who is mourning the death of Collette.

The central social group that the film is trying to focus on is then introduced. Sarah (Jade Pettyjohn), who only knows the others from a few years back in college, is the least established character. The rest of the characters are the people that she has always known from maybe high school and above. These include the bossy influencer Mona (Jennifer Ens) hippy wannabe social influencer Liv (Ali Fumiko Whitney) sexual predator L.B. (Julian Haig) a drug addict Guy (Jack Doupe-Smith) a lazy soul, Will (Justin Derickson), and a shy Aaron (Cardi Wong) who is madly in love with Sarah.

It’s the weekend-long Karmapalooza a humongous event that attracts thousands across the weekend and the septet has, because of bad planning, not booked any carry accommodations. When their van has a flat tire on the highway, a kind officer (Michaela Russell) helps them by having a tow truck called, and they manage to rent an Airbnb.

When our central characters come home to the house to change over, they are greeted by the sight of a note and a pair of seven deadly sins shot glasses placed strategically on the center table in the living room and the note says SDSK. Everyone assumes it is a joke from the mysterious occupant of the house.

With this, the viewers must already know that we are being told that a) yes, AMFAD: ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD is a satirical work of murderous humor, and b) these people are not clever but are designed to be useless morons.

As with Josh Sims & Jessica Sarah Flaum who wrote this based on a story written by John Baldecchi, the comedy is to their credit never slapstick. We understand the humour but we aren’t made to feel elbowed in our sides. We also get plot twists, some of which we think are real, but we really cannot predict them.

What Marcus Dunstan seeks is truly the enrichment of gore and blood that contributes to the humor of the movie. This time a SAW franchise director leaves no stone unturned to anger his target audience. Kudos So kudos on all your parts for having put some constructive efforts into the killer’s mask design and introduction. Well, there possibly aren’t any jump scares to grab the audience’s attention, there are at least consistent enough elements of built-up anticipation.

For the majority of the film, the major editorial brief is that it’s not obvious what year the storyline takes place between the characters in the Danny flashbacks as well as the present day. These are minor points, and technical points at that, which should have taken two minutes and a bit of background noise to accomplish.

All the AMFAD: ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD imagined even when it placed the blame on its intended audience. Over the end credits, this film announces its sequel (in addition to a few scenes), so it doesn’t say that it intended to focus on originality. However, it does succeed in the scope within which it operates.

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