Am I Racist? (2024)

Am I Racist? (2024)

For some obscure reason, there are movies that are overlooked by the entertainment media. In the case of the documentary ‘Am I Racist?’, that reason is that we are liberal. Not a single media representative belonging to the mainstream audience reviewed this film which is the first theatrical release from Ben Shapiro’s symbol The Daily Wire which has been on the billboards for more than 2 weeks. Therefore, The Hollywood Reporter hired a person who does not give a damn if he is going to lose all his friends. That person was me.

Even more shocking than the fact of how come Is racism true has made more than $ 9 million and is considered one of the 40 highest-grossing documentaries is the simple fact that AMC 16 became the 14th highest-grossing theater for the film and it is located in Burbank. I live in Burbank where about 70% of voters supported Joe Biden in the elections in 2020. So I waited until Thursday to see who would be the audience for the movie, at what time, and mainly, why they even wanted to see it. The latest showing time was 2.20 pm.

While standing before the Latinx isles, I smiled a bit too much in a display of frustration before asking, ‘ Could I have one ticket for Am I Racist?’ Thankfully he did look too concerned which relieved me a touch when I later proffered that ticket to an Asian directing me towards an absolutely deserted theater six with remnants of one of the audience’s before-noon screening, a beer can.

Right before the picture began I noticed five scattered people in the theater: a silver-haired old man, a younger woman in her white, and a Latinx family that supposedly consisted spanning over three generations that I do not believe would be comfortable with being called Latinx.

It is like a direct knockoff of Borat, where podcast host Matt Walsh dons a faux identity and interviews the subjects of his scrutiny with a narrative that he is on an interracial film shoot; he didn’t show this footage but claims that Walsh had the idea of calling this movie. He wore a skinny jeans man-bun cover wig. Kevin I mean come on who presents a liberal person wearing liberal clothes in 2024 as a skinny jeans and bun guy? And yeah, a Sushi plate instead of a latte would have been more appropriate.

Although he earned a few comedy or light-hearted moments from my four other neighbors in the audience, Walsh is not blessed with some of the attributes of comedians, particularly, being amusing. He carries an assured attitude, which diffuses every situation a little too much. Nonetheless, he does manage to crack some good ones once in a while “When a seminar about grief and anti-racism begins with the speaker asking the audience to introduce themselves with the oddest praise they have ever received, I say ‘I was praised for having many black friends-17 in fact.’” However, very often, he resorts to rehashing his comedy. Much like how a mafia movie being bad has a tendency to come off as a cheap imitation of every other mafia film instead of depicting real-life mobs, Am I Racist? comes off as an abomination of a film directed by someone who’s never been in a real comedy. There’s some sort of mock gradual applause. Dishes break. He feigned, weeping.

In Walsh’s attack, Sacha Baron Cohen does employ a tremendous amount of skill and he’s an actor. Most of the time, even Cohen fails himself (Bruno, The Dictator). Even with the successes of his films, he cuts many scenes from the final edit. From what can be gathered, Walsh doesn’t seem to cut much from his projects. Re-enacting actor Jussie Smollett’s staged hate crime in context was simply a waste of time.

The notion of garnering 20 signatures to support the suggestion of renaming The Washington Monument into The George Floyd Monument was diluted in terms of meaning because the effort of getting 20 people to sign any petition is an uphill task. His interview of the woman who sued the Sesame Place theme park for racial discrimination of not allowing a character to high-five her black children was so poorly edited that it would have warranted a sacking from The Daily Show.

This is how he manages to get an audience with such high-profile DEI specialists who he tries to embarrass, and the majority of them do not disappoint. He managed to get Robin D’Angelo, author of “White Fragility,” to present thirty dollars in “reparations” to Members of the armed black cohort out of her purse. He works as a waiter at a Race Dinner event organized by Regina Jackson and Saira Rao, where white women pay for the entertainment of being shouted at, which is guaranteed entertainment. When he is not being a nuisance in irrelevant bits (pretending to drop plates, pretending to spill water glasses), and doesn’t go all out of his way to be obnoxious, his subjects do in fact self-impale themselves.

He also often succeeds at making DEI instructors seem like grifters. D’Angelo was paid $15,000 just to appear in the documentary the Sesame Place mom was paid $50,000 the hosts of Race2Dinner got 5,000. Walsh even gets people to pay to attend a DEI seminar he puts on (the Do the Work Workshop), which ends up with him handing out whips to the audience so they can self-flagellate. This Year’s Bonus How To Get More A-List Members Slaughtered. How To Ensure That An Aatrusibic Member Slaughtered A Taller Member To Ensure Members Slaughtered A Striped-Lizard-Enhanced Slaughtermob?

After the film, I spoke with Lacretia Lyon who also saw the film and was in the audience of the film together with me. Lacretia Lyon is quite different from historians as she is by profession a stand-up comic and podcaster. She learned that the film existed from Walsh when he appeared on Carolla’s podcast. Apart from being informed about its subject, she came because she belongs to AMC’s Stubs A-List, which permits members to view three movies in a week. “For once, I was able to laugh at the subject matter,” recalled Lyon. An admirer of Borat, Lyon felt Walsh did the undercover work brilliantly. “The narcissism of the DEI professors whom I interviewed and who ‘boasted’ about their ability to notice everything racially sensitive and oppressive was incredible to witness.” All of this made sure that all of these women were the ones who represented the people Lyon didn’t invite any of her friends to go with. “This is something most girls are not going to feel interested in,” she said.

The Latinx family decided to remain off the record. They were afraid that the cameras in the lobby might catch their comments. But just before leaving, the youngest of them, using a pair of shades, long hair, and a few beads around his neck said I feared the badly concealed woke debunkers could be throughout.

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