Aliens Expanded

Aliens Expanded


How deep is your sense of love for the movie Aliens? If your answer to this question is one of the saying, “It’s one of those films that I can watch over and over again!” then you must watch the new documentary film Aliens Expanded. Yes, it runs for about five hours, and yes it contains a lot of James Cameron, Gale Anne Hurd, and all the major and supporting actors talking and a whole lot more. Definitely a must-watch.

The great thing about the modern world is the fact that thanks to the internet, people can not just be fans of certain things but rather become super fans. If you are one of those super fans of Aliens, then you would definitely want to indulge in the almost five-hour-long documentary called Aliens: Expanded which goes into detail about the film and how it was conceived, made, and its current status in the entertainment industry.

Of course, we have Charles de Lauzirika’s impressive Superior Firepower: The Making of Aliens, which has been available in home video for quite a long time, and he is in fact featured in this who is featured in this documentary. But I am pretty sure that you will still find some new interesting facts in Aliens Expanded. I believe that the duration of the movie is all that is required to make it an interesting watch.

And even if you’ve read most of the making-of accounts, it is still nice to sit through an exciting long conversation on a favorite film and the time it was released. I remember being in my teens and watching Aliens, it’s about that time when I actually went for a film, loved it, and everyone did not sit down with their phones only to come out hours later with the latest news, and surely not have seen pictures that would spoil the experience before I even made it to the cinema.

The usual suspects show up here, including, of course, writer/director James Cameron, producer Gale Anne Hurd, Sigourney Weaver and the rest of the cast, and some of the special effects guys. But Aliens Expanded does not end there, it also provides us with Alan Dean Foster who novelised the film and many others of that genre, and comic book writer Mark Verheiden who created a number of Aliens comics for Dark Horse which were all for nothing due to Alien 3, and even psychologist Drea Letamendi.

The documentary explores the history of the film just as its script was written and how it evolved until its premiere as well as its impact. James Cameron apparently does not hesitate to speak his mind about those times, such as his opinions about producers David Giler and Walter Hill, or the fact that “the British crew members at Pinewood Studios were out of touch.”

He is ready to accept some responsibility too on the other hand such as through his recounting of the incident of the tea lady and her trolly. (I won’t ruin it.) He claims that he had not always been tactful which other people also think; however, the general opinion appears to be that he was allowed to be so blunt for the simple reason that he was passionate about every single aspect of the production process.

While there are certainly many other great moments Aldo that are directed Aliens Expanded’s focus there’s even an instance in the course of Talessay Lance Henriksen about bringing knives to England so he brought a huge suitcase filled with knives for James Cameron to pick from for that World War 1 scene, and among the reason sternly infuriated him, that she made the whole way from America to the scene where the film was being directed Gale Anne Hurd. Hurd however stelly a la her own version of the events claimed that she was pretty much together with him although at that very instance, they both also started sweating because they feared that the case might open and it did not.

Not that I’m doing this to try and offend somebody, of course. This so almost three decades now since that event took place along with many others that have been mentioned in this documentary. Heck, I can’t always remember what house breakfast was yesterday so forget the lunch.

The framing structure in Aliens Expanded, as could be expected, is based on the search of files on the computer forever and ever with the help of imaginative frameworks. If there are any complaints that I have about this documentary I can say that some number of changes are too sudden and sometimes a topic is introduced and just after the speaker jumps to a different point only to join the very first one after some time.

But these are nothing of great concern. Such a movie must have been very ambitious, and the fact that it was made, with the involvement of so many important persons, is indicative of the filmmakers’ determination and willpower.

The fans also participated in this, contributing in the course of its development and appearing in the long credits of the final version. If you wait till the end of the movie, you see a variety of fans who express their affection for Aliens.

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