The film “Alien Sniperess,” like so many movies, indeed begins with a meteor shower. The opening scene shows someone getting far too close to the meteor in an attempt to ignore all the warnings of films like The Blob, Night of the Creeps, and Crepshow only to find out it isn’t just a piece of rock that made it to Earth.
In another context, army sniper Chioma, played by Olivia Okoro from Leap, uncovers deeply saddening news. She learns that her boyfriend got into a car accident while on his way to propose to her. After bestowing her with the ring, he succumbs to the accident and dies. Before passing, he instructs her to take his younger brother Aaron, played by Sean Laguna from Last American Horror Show and Constitution of the Dead, to his grandparents living “up north.” Meanwhile, Kelly, Alaina Laethem from Battlefield 2025 and Badland Doves, and Liz Camille Kerber offer their hands to help.
Joseph Mbah emerges as a writer director for Krampus: Origins and Expo and literally dive into the storyline immediately. He defines the characters and brings to attention the reports of unexplained violence and wraps it all up on the road. Now that we are in the first page of Alien Sniperess, the ten minute mark reveals us a shootout with the alien guy from the opening of the movie. Not bad for a low-budget film!
In terms of the storyline, Alien Sniperess (is ‘sniperess’ a word?) is not different from the rest. A parasitic lifeform from outer space contained within meteors is the cause behind the Manchurian candidate type schemes. Agent Marks (Mark Speno, The Dead Of Night, Spiked), a member of the FBI’s Special Branch, is another alien hunter alongside the conspiracy theorist Dr Clark (Sean Dillingham, The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre, Echoes of Violence).
The film, at some moments, starts to resemble a zombie flick with the AI alien hybrid beings that are controlled by a human sniper. But, instead of conventional zombies, these hyper-intelligent alien-slaves are able to use weapons. It is less expensive than alien makeup or CGI, but leaves room for bullet wound effects and additional people for the crowd scenes. Adding a hint of realism, Dr. Clark and Dilligham look like a conspiracy freak Alex Jones.
Even when watching Alien Sniperess, I did have some issues with the logic of the story. Take, for instance, moving a patient with a gunshot injury in the hospital without any medical assistance. Or, for that matter, Chioma demanding Aaron be brought to his grandparents during this invasion, rather than just staying put in a safe location. More importantly, don’t you think Chioma would have been required to leave her Army sniper rifle issue at hand behind? It would have been more suspenseful for the audience if she had to adapt to a civilian issued sharpshooter.
But Mbah does what he has to do and stylizes it with action so that the flaws are more like an irritant rather than a fatal issue. One can appreciate that film was done to the extent that it maintains a sick enough feeling, at times leaving you clueless about who is the next victim. It will not have you at the edge of your seat, but it sure is captivating.
Danny Takacs (Blood Tulip, Dragonflies Only Live for 24 Hours) does a good job with both the parasite and gunshot CGI effects and the space ship and gunshot CGI is a little above what these guys usually do at Asylum or Mark Polonia. It’s not terrific, but the quality is tolerable. The background score by Sam Mizell (Shark Huntress) goes well with the proceedings, although I could have lived without the songs.
To my surprise, Alien Sniperess was among those few releases whose quality stood out amid the mediocre quality of recent releases. It’s a high-paced thriller which is nicely put together – And it’s good with beer and pizza on the weekend.
Though it is labeled as Alien Sniperess on Amazon and other digital platforms, the DVD has surprisingly appeared as a “Walmart Exclusive” under the heading of Alien Sniper. Whatever the title, it’s published by Green Apple Entertainment and you can visit their website or check their Facebook page for more. You want something a little different or rather more of the same? FilmTagger has some ideas.
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