An astronaut, Eke Chukwu, has been in space for far too long and has no clue regarding what he might find when he arrives back on earth. After crash landing on an entirely deserted continent, it’s clear to him that a lot has changed in the world.
Having fled from the Citadel, Aozora, Iijima Shuna is now on the hunt for her family in the sprawling urban wreckage. At first she tries to blend in as a tourist, even though she does not possess the required authorization to be in that area. Fortunately, two Good Samaritans save her from a security android attack, and in exchange, Aozora asks to accompany her quest with theirs.
Azrael Maine Lucien is now behind bars due to terrorism. The authorities have made it abundantly clear that he has no choice in this matter. Instead, he is forcibly sent on a so-called mission to Mars which is understood to be a one way journey. He has also been given an android A.I. training companion called Sarameya Haruka Abe, but while she is supposed to help him, the training fails in a much different outcome.
Tony Sebastian Ukpo, writer, and director, is among those filmmakers who do not let menial matters get in the way of finishing a project. This includes having no set budget. Ukpo didn’t do all of his films with no money spent, but in this case, he did. However unlike his preceding attempts such as The Fighter’s Ballad, which was a masterful work, or Random 11, this particular film was much more ambitious than Ukpo was financially capable of. But somehow, he managed to do it.
As with most of Ukpo’s works, the director decided to leave his actions speak for themselves. And while we are on the subject of speaking, there was no less than four languages featured in this movie. After the end of the world, the inhabitants of Earth must be able to comprehend every single language.
Ukpo had limited locations and resources, but he managed very well, and with some clever camera angles, the cinematographers were able to capture unique and effective shots. Much of the editing, in fact, was facilitated by having the shots planned out properly, which only served to demonstrate the skill involved. The performances were also good as all the actors brought their A-game to the gig in a nice display of talent.
During the film, I could not help but think of the Wachowskis Cloud Atlas, and I firmly believe that had Ukpo been able to get the backing he needed, his latest production would have looked almost as good. As for the ending, it is where I was reminded of Interstellar, and I will bet that you will see it too when you reach it. After the World Ended felt like there was a lot of material that was necessarily cut out for budgetary concerns, and this led to some amount of confusion as the story began to play out. But that is my one and only complaint in this otherwise great case of micro-budget single camera shooting.
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