This man, John, sure is an intriguing subject. He also happens to be the Englishman who in the movie ‘A Man Called Horse’ from 1969 was on a hunting expedition in the unexplored parts of the American West. Sadly, he was in an unfortunate event where his party was attacked by a tribe and mostly killed. Luckily for him, the tribe did trust him which played in his favor. Along with being able to speak their language, being put through their manhood ceremony, and coming out as a blood brother, helped him increase his status. Also, let’s not forget that he led them to victory against is enemies and married the chiefs daughter which makes him a desirable man indeed.
Fast forward to present day and Morgan Harris, now with a different expedition, was fortunate enough to be found by another expedition after a couple of years. He was unfortunately stuck in a cave for a couple of years. He now has a few wrinkles and is gray but is suffering from a thirst that yearns to go back to the land with the yellow hand tribe. Example of the self-indulgence that he is currently facing.
Morgan finds out that the yellow hand tribe was attacked and put into slavery by ruthless traders.
A number of people survived including the stubborn Elk Woman. Running Bull and Elk Woman have gone into the badlands and been forced to eat their dogs. “Why did you return?” asks Elk Woman. “I had to come back,” says Morgan. In this case, ‘coming back’ meant proving something to himself. Luckily for Morgan, his soul wasn’t a complete void. There were signs indicating that he would not be able to forget and so forth. This is why he made the decision to bring the remaining people back to life, to fight against the trading post, and reclaim both Keith’s self respect and his land. I suppose the most obvious question that cannot be so easily answered is how far out of shape were the remaining survivors? The situation in the realms is, how should I say – bleak. Scatter some great words around to amuse the indeterminate audience.
With Morgan in command of the survivors, things were bound to be better. However, it appears as though the Yellow Hand has already destroyed all their foes and mastered modern fighting before getting his assistance. Morgan Showed them how it’s done and then just left. What kind of battle does he think this is? This clearly is not the field of Eton. I am unbothered whether or not the movie intends for these questions to be posed but I do know that their answers would go against the movie’s deeply rooted ethnocentrism. Fortunately, the movie wasn’t completely awful as it didn’t misinform its audience on the prettier sections of the world.
The story progresses along four key movements: Return, Reconciliation, Revenge and Rebirth. Morgan returns, participates in the cleansing ritual, then again leads the Yellow Hand against the fort, and they all live happily ever after. In case you think this is a bit lacking for a 2 hour film, believe me, it is. Everything was made to feel monumental but the preposterous music and strange details only amplified the futility of it all.
Every time Morgan is a part of this gruesome initiation rite, in such a violent manner, leaves me stupefied. His first step would be inserting knife blades into his pectoral muscles, then sharpening eagle’s talons and drawing them through the wounds. Finally, he would hang by the thongs until sufficiently purified. You would expect a single ceremony such as that to eliminate the need for further enhancement. In the first film, Morgan was tied up in the sun for 12 hours and then cut down and married to the chief’s daughter. All that he deserves is a celebration and this time all he gets is a rumble of approval from the Thunder God and a feel of marriage. No wonder, being a Yellow Hand is thankless work.
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