As I have said many times, I watch a lot of really campy movies and I have one of my brothers to thank for this. He was the one who showed me that there are more than just mainstream movies out there. It’s what made me keep an open mind with film watching and basically how I ended up watching this one.
I can honestly say I don’t remember how I even stumbled on 5ive Girls. It may have just been one of those nights when you’re channel surfing and something catches your attention. The main reason I was probably drawn to it must have been because I’m a fan of The Craft and this kind of fit into that category for me since it was a group of girls with powers.
Unlike The Craft, 5ive Girls involves well, five girls and they are living at the Catholic school. All five girls have been sent to St. Marks School for Girls to be reformed. It’s not completely clear just what they are all being reformed for because there’s no backstory. One can only assume the main reason they were sent to the school by their parents was because of the powers they possess.
Alex has the power of telekinesis. She is the only one in the film that we see get dropped off by her parent. Her dad is the one who brings her to the school and the only thing he says is that the school is going to help her with her problem. Like I said earlier, I can only assume the problem he’s referring to is her power.
St. Marks is a very old school and it shows. The halls are dilapidated and the sleeping area is pretty shitty. The school was closed down for five years after Elizabeth (Krysta Carter), one of the students who was attacked by an unseen evil force vanished. It has now been reopened and the former teacher Father Drake (Ron Perlman) along with the bitchiest Headmistress ever, Miss Pearce (Amy Lalonde) are running it.
On their first day at the school, the girls are strictly warned to stay away from the third floor. That’s where Elizabeth was when she disappeared but of course they don’t know that. As all of these movies go, they eventually do go up to the third floor and because this is a scary movie, the results are not good.
‘5IVE GIRLS’. Photo Courtesy: Peace Arch Entertainment Group
Ultimately all of the girls learn there is more to the school than they imagined. It turns out they are part of a sacrifice that Miss Pearce is doing to bring Elizabeth back from the demon known as Legion. The reason Miss Pearce is trying to bring her back is because she’s her sister. The ritual she needs to perform is a sacrifice of five girls for one.
I really like this movie because it’s got a good plot and enough scares to keep you jumping however, there are a few issues I have with it. I feel like more could have been done with this story, particularly with the girls and their backstories. There is no buildup and the mention of their powers sort of comes in at a weird time and it’s a little messy. It’s one of those things where you have to really pay attention or you’ll be like “Wait what? Do they have powers? all of them?”
Speaking of powers, I feel like we didn’t see enough of the girls using them. Also, Alex has the power of telekinesis so why is she having visions of Elizabeth being possessed? wouldn’t that have made more sense for Cecilia since she has the power of second sight or even Connie since she’s a conduit? I don’t know that’s just how I would have done it.
My second issue was with the parents. We only see Alex get dropped off which is clearly because she’s the protagonist which I get but, I have questions. What did Alex do that made her dad take her to the school? how did the parents even hear about the school? it’s been closed for five years because a girl vanished. That’s the kind of news that would travel right? wouldn’t the parents and the girls have heard about that? If I had kids, I certainly would not want to drop my daughter off at a school where another one disappeared.
Then there is the matter of Legion literally jumping from one girl to the next. All five girls have powers but none of them are powerful enough to band together and fight Legion. it’s a little sad because I felt like that was a missed opportunity for this story. I would have loved this film more if the girls all got to stand together and defeat Legion and Miss Pearce. They spent the entire film running scared and uh, yeah, alot of them died which sucked. I’m not going to tell you which ones though because it was actually a big surprise to see who lived.
5ive Girls is an entertaining film and it will keep your attention. With all the missteps I still really love it. Do I wish certain things were done differently? absolutely but, If you want some campy horror, I recommend it.
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