Date Movie (2006)



Date Movie seems like the result of the two least competent writers of Scary movie basically reciting a rom-com plot through a comedy filter on their way to set. It leaps to try and attempt Scary Movie’s horror genre matrix formula, but with rom-coms this time, somehow managing to create an even worse monster.

It still is a radically more pathetic creature because while Scary Movie attempted to make masked movies humorous, Date Movie takes the complete opposite direction with the funny and renders them humorless. That’s not at all what I’m sure was their intent; an understandable goal would be lucidity that they get heaps funnier than they already are, but good luck achieving that if working with these two that fared the worst of the six writers of Scary Movie. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer sure didn’t try surpassing jay Roach, much less mickey mouse reign over America Rob Reiner.

Like every other movie meant to make a mockery out of an genre, this one has no story. Instead, there’s a set of loosely connected skits, all of which were likely devised based on the highest grossing romantic films of the last decade or two. Those skits are then haphazardly stitched together with Alyson Hannigan’s powered ridiculousness of fat-suit wearing and small black dress-wearing around a tacky rom com plot. 

Alyson plays Julia Jones, A notorious love-stricken girl who spends the movie trying to catch her twisty Brit. Together they managed to butcher a combination of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, My Best Friend’s Wedding, and The Wedding Planner along side The Ben Stiller movies. When it’s not out right stealing scenes from other work, ‘Date Movie’ settles for being utterly random. I mean, what’s a better way to follow a tender moment than an inexplicable bum fight? Sounds funny on paper actually. And Frieberg and Seltzer have desperately worked to ensure it isn’t.

Some people will laugh uproariously at the movie. Fortunately, those people are few in number, which, let’s be honest, is a relief. Those types seem the sort to chuckle at just about anything thrown their way. For anyone with at least an average IQ, this movie is humorous only at the most basic spoof level, and if you are attempting to squeeze out even the smallest chuckle, you will find it near impossible. 

Of course “Date Movie” is going to make a lot of money, because it didn’t receive a lot of advance reviews. It was like Fox had tried to bury this one and not let the press get a peek at it. Even if critics raked it over the coals, let’s be real people just turn up for this sort of nonsense on autopilot. However, using trickery will only get the movie so far, and in the long run it won’t earn much from repeated views.

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