Two Weeks to Live (1943)



In its Two Weeks to Live (Sky One), the scene progresses to a roadside cafe that also resembles the Edward Hopper’s, where the words NORTH OF ENGLAND unfold on the screen in massive, loud, bold letters. The show then transitions into ‘Stayin’ Alive’ being covered by the band, Tropical Fuck Storm, after which all action commences. At this point you could just as well be watching The End of the F**king World. This is where Maisie Williams emerges, a naive woman with surprising power and a 1,000 yard stare capable of beating life out of an overly muscular man. Well, Now you could be watching Killing Eve. The style guide of Two Weeks to Live is quite generous in borrowing from the two, which places it at the center of a debate on face masks in the baking aisle, and trying to figure out visually what 2020 would look like. Nevertheless, amidst such familiar surroundings, the rest of the show provides a refreshing uniqueness on its own.

Kim possesses the traits of a sociopath, right down to the vicious nature of her cut and paste doll collection. Tina, her mother, has achieved the level of prepper that would make Doomsday Preppers cringe in disgust. Uh oh, that’s not gonna fly with her mother, who has trained her to do things for the sake of blending in in today’s society. Guess a few dumpster fires are going to be lit after this one is through.

The interesting focus introduces Ji Woo. Kim is not a carefree child wanting to explore the world and live like others do. In truth, she writes “this is a must in the real world” in her journal for all her goals, writings shows she has robust planning ability. Kim’s life is heading towards chaos and revenge. She is planning to gut the debauchery that her mother calls state dinner. In fact, she is already on her way with her chopy parents’ portrait set in revenge mood. Would be rather sad when the orphaned man realizes that his wife wouldn’t be putting out after the fiery pit. Again, poor guy.

If this seems like too much to swallow, get ready because there is more. One of Kim’s quests, one that is entertaining rather than murderous, is her first-ever trip to a pub. She comes across two quarreling brothers – Nicky, who is a heartbroken, studious introvert and Jay, a mockingly reckless brother who spoils everything for his sensitive sibling. Jay is notorious for pretending to give bogus news reports. When he announces the news of a nuclear apocalypse that is two weeks away, Kim fully believes it and a lot of disturbing incidents get triggered. After all, the woman has had an apocalypse plan since the age of six. “The government is hiding how bad it really is,” she mumbles and while those could be considered ramblings from a delusional person, then again, welcome to 2020.

Jay’s prank gone wrong has repercussions, which prompts Kim to get on with her projects, and this drives another layer of plot into action. These episodes have the feel of a summer novel whose readers want a leisurely scroll of the pages while not pausing for too long to examine the small aspects, but I did appreciate its attention towards an awe-inspiring speed. With all six episodes available online, we have an action movie’s worth of content in each episode. Early on in the first, Kim is half alien, half child, who strides into Carl’s Caff and is instantly spotted by the proprietor as an easy target. Money is new to Kim, so she calls it “the orange ones”, and Carl, where does this happen, London, demands £10 for using the toilet, £10 for heating her sandwich, and £10 for parking. Unsurprisingly, Carl is left in a heap on the floor, surrounded by shards of glass. What makes Two Weeks to Live so enjoyable is that it subsequently takes a detour into comedy, and not very sharp dark humor, but proper slapstick.

The irony is that this swerve is completely unexpected, and it simultaneously moves this show above what a show that is mainly familiar in style, at least to everyone that is familiar with the fighting comedy drama genres. The gags are layered in a clever way, for instance, if there is a cheesy line, it shatters into a smart joke and finally bursts into violent acts. While Jay and Nicky seem to be throwing insults at each other like they are at an Inbetweeners convention, the two have a decent amount of heart in their relationship, and this makes ‘Two Weeks to Live’ deeper with elements of loss and grief. Jay and Nicky’s performances mainly hold the dynamic gravity of the show. If Nicky was in anybody else’s hands, her low level of maturity could be overbearing, but the idiot parade, and the well-practiced thirst for vengeance perfectly compliments Williams goal, and makes the whole situation sing.

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