Long John (Scott Glenn) is currently planning a drug deal somewhere in the desert, and intends to catch up with his contact afterwards because he believes that he is being followed by the police. Although, the police are indeed watching. In fact, when Long John takes off in his motorbike, the police are right there behind him, but he loses them and reunites with his two buddies, Juicer (Don Carrera) and Monk (James Inglehart). They are at a gas station when two Hell’s Angels order them to join them for a tour of Lost Cause, the ghost town populated by the Hell’s Angels and peacemaking hippies. When the three arrive, John is asked to race and he does so, winning the race. Later that evening when the party is at its peak, he gets challenged to another race, but this time he suffers horrific consequences.
Clearly modeled on the triumph of the Wild Angels Lion, this one was also crafted in the form of a bike novel and was authored by the director Joe Viola and Lee Oscar, who will definitely get an award in the future. Supposedly, they got ideas from the movie Rashomon. This Shadow has more in common with a western in which horses have been supplanted with bikes, yet the western law is very much present. Nevertheless, there is a lot to suppose Socio Angels Hard as They Come into the 70’s: paraphernalia of self consciously seeded and the word “man” is pumped a thousand times. For that set the dialogue, “Boy, are you heavy!” and the drugs become an important aspect of the movie.
Long John has made friends with Astrid (Gilda Texter), and the two of them exchange words on the plight of the society in regard to the hippies and the Hell’s Angels. Speaking of which, Astrid mentions, and what was surely on many viewers minds at the time, the latest violence at Altamont, and how that reflects the way the Angels are viewed. John, however, makes what she feels is a valid point when he cites the Manson family to show how the hue of the hippies has been sullied. The film is not politically biased; the hippies are well-behaved, while John and his fellow motorcycle companions are certainly nice, or at least mostly amiable people. It is simply the undisciplined Dragons, the gang that the hippies live among in this strange martial world, who are the problem.
This is evident in the beginning of the storyline with the rape and murder of Astrid as well as the blame placed on Long John’s gang after the Dragons’ assault. The three get caught, shoved into the cell, and awoken by a makeshift trial. The General, played by Charles Dimerco, who is a clone of Manson, has his own version of civilization with the Dragons despite the so-called society being unshed. The perpetrators are sentenced to endure the Angel’s “fun and games” which is a form of punishment. These are, being pummeled by bikers in the desert, while being pulled on bikes at the seams. Juicer and John get captured without moving far, but Monk does manage to escape and shifts into position to plan the climax.
The violence and gratuitous nudity appearing in the film serves to maintain the viewership; on the other hand, the film is not devoid of humor. One of the Angel characters, named Crab, explains to a girl painting his body why he is actually named that and it has nothing to do with his star sign. Furthermore, it might seem that some general is having a great deal of fun while receiving a blow job, but he is simply appreciating the polishing of a bike. Still, this film is mainly grim in tone. The action captures the essence of grimness well. Its premise revolves around a climactic scene incorporating terrified hippies, Angels and Monk who is later accompanied by two dune buggy riders. Although Angels Hard As They Come is not very unique and now only has Damme’s writer and producer credits to boast of, its over the top presentation is amusing, at least until the routine nihilistic conclusion, which tends toward the more favorable side. Richard Hieronymus provided the music.
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