The Black Godfather (1974)



The cinematic motion picture begins with a narrative panorama of the city skyline. Streets are abound with people as J. J. (Rod Perry) and his friend stroll down it. They stop and one of the men points towards a house. The man lifts his finger in the direction of the house, proceeding to walk up the stairs that lead to the front door. Upon opening the door, Tommy draws a gun on J. J. He attempts to fire but the weapon jams. The individual inside the household fires off a few shots. While has done to Tommy, he pushes through the door, intent on shooting the rest of the men. J. J. finds himself standing in an alley with Tommy’s dead body in his hands. The man departs the scene, where Nate Williams (Jimmy Witherspoon) finds him and helps him out, taking him to safety. Willaims yanks the bullet out of J. J.’s hand and dressed the newbie’s arm.

The following morning comes and J. J. converses with Williams. Out of childlike curiosity, J. J. proceeds to ask Why did Williams, out of all people, choose to save him and nursed him after he had been shot? Finally, the other party does not see eye to eye. J. J.0413 was attempting to crowbar their way in. He was trying breaking into a house where the Gardner was known to be a powerful gangster. Willaims tries to offer an explanation but his words look strange – is he really staring the love of pigeons? While wanting to put the starving children onto JJ’s streets, William chuckles. Out of amusement or kindness, he hands over a couple of bills. That marks the beginning of J. J. domiance over the streets.

After the opening credits this character referred to as J.J. has gained much more power and stature on the street. In addition to selling drugs, he is also attempting to elevate his position on the streets. In a way, he has a point because dignity is not earned and can easily be purchased, but it’s also up to sources of money and gold. J.J. also wants to eliminate another competitor, a drug dealer called Tony Burton(Don Chastain). J.J. has a black gangster problem, Tony, who brings heroin into a largely black neighborhood, and he does not like it. The community is suffering from abuse of those drugs on children and many adults. He speaks with a fellow named Diablo(Dame King), so that he can secure the area from Tony’s guys and other people dealing in the neighborhood.

Lieutenant Joe is on the payroll of drug traffickers. So, for his own personal benefits, he readily accepts bribes. As usual, he strolls into J.J.‘s club, and heads for a meeting with him in his office. J.J. goes on to inform him that he is ready to go to war with Tony and every other drug dealer that takes advantage of the black population. He instructs Joe to give the information back to Tony. Joe does not care which drug dealer he accepts bribes from, so long as he gets paid.

Lieutenant Joe exits the bar and in the next scene, he is strolling along the poolside at Tony’s residence. He informs Tony J.J wants him to steer clear of the territory and is ready to engage in a battle if he disobeys. Tony clarifies that it is not him who makes the territory but is instead in charge of managing it and he is not going to accept any form of retreat. At the club, Williams meets with J. J and both of them talk in the office. Williams is with his daughter Yvonne. In a fatherly manner, Williams warns J. J against escalating tensions with Tony over the territory. He tells J. J. to cease operations. But J. J. does not support this, gives his arguments and is firmly decided. He wants to push Tony out of the community because he is a drug dealer and the community suffers from the effects of his trade. As these two begin to argue, J. J. and Nate’s conversation ceases when Yvonne enters the office.

The following morning Tony pays a visit to Nate Williams to talk to him. Tony informs Williams that he wants business to be operating on its normal capacity and that J.J. should cease abusing his workers. He welcomes bloodshed and also threatens his rival. Williams was not scared and told Tony to mind his words otherwise the bloodshed will be on his side. He tells Tony to take his leave from his office if it is all what he wanted to tell him. 

At the gym, J.J. Williams and his bodyguard are having a conversation. They have a conversation about change and how times have changed quite a lot. It is also noted that after the bodyguard and J.J. get into friendly combat, they are still amicable with each other. J.J. starts to gain respect in this way. 

Moving on, two black gangsters are shown conducting a pat down on two white gangsters looking for drugs. They threaten the gangsters with guns and order them to leave and not return or they will kill them.

J.J. and Yvonne enter the house and it is clear they have spent the night together. She is now captured on camera standing in the living room and is impressed by the house. He sees her putting a record on while sipping at her coffee on the couch. The man and the woman have an animated conversation which evolves into a debate of the goals and dreams of men towards women. He confesses his love for her but explains that he cannot, at the present moment, be committed to her.

A vehicle with a white driver is pursued and hit by Diablo and his group of men. After their car flips, they grab a bag from the car before driving off. Later on, they meet at a house where African American gangsters surround the white man that was patted down earlier in a room. He is seated alone in the center and they question him on the reason he is been spotted in proximity to the high school in that area. Out of fear he claims to know about drugs being smuggled but is unaware of the details. It is clear that he does not have more information on the subject matter as J.J. and his team sorely attempt to extract more answers. He gets set free and in the next scene, J.J., along with other men, burst into a different gangster’s house and proceed to kill him for not caring about the drugs in the house. J.J. and the rest of the men do care about the territory getting invaded and are on serious offense now.

In the subsequent scene, Lieutenant Joe and Tony are having a conversation poolside. Joe tells Tony that JJ has been working on another drug dealer.  This doesn’t frighten Tony, and he continues to be defiant. He refers to JJ as a spook and carries on. An informed friend of the community goes to JJ’s club and tells him something she heard from Tony’s. She tells him how there is a shipment valued at three and a half million dollars coming in. JJ thanks her inappropriately and give her a monetary reward for the information.

Meanwhile, Diablo’s men are preparing a sting operation, and they get caught in a house by the police. Joe tells Tony to follow the news on this as he chuckles. Tony’s scheme of bringing in a big shipment continues. He speaks over the phone with one of his men who reassure him that everything is going according to plan and the shipment should be in New Orleans soon.

J.J. and his associates are poised with weapons at the airport and open fire at Tony’s squad. He manages to disrupt the shipment delivery and subsequently theft, gloats over Tony by calling his office. This act propels Tony to retaliate against.

Tony promptly goes over to Nate William’s house in search of J.J. Nate has no clue about J.J.’s last location or the shipment that J.J. globally mishandled. In order to extract the information, Tony starts to beat Nate. Lieutenant Joe attempts to intervene, however, they accidentally shoot him as he attempts to halt the fight. After Tony pulverizes Williams to death, he utilizes Yvonne as a drug shipment bargaining chip.

A physical fight at the headquarters between Diablo and JJ seemed to be imminent when they started spazzing out on one another. After some time, JJ calced and ‘it hit him’ when he said that the issue was with Tony, not with themselves or the community. Later, JJ received a call from Tony and they sorted out the deal regarding the package. The deal was that Tony would give J.J 350,000 and Yvonne while he received the drugs. JJ said that, ‘my guys should have only 1 man at the meeting`. J.J.’s boys recorded the conversation and they started playing it on loop. They’ve played it so many times that one of J.J.’s men recognized that bell sound in the background which means they can narrow down Tony’s location to somewhere near the church. J.J had the boys flyer all areas around the church to see if locals would help in the search for Yvonne. Other J.J’s guys went back to his fathers and once there he showed his dad the flyers and he instantly recognized Yvonne and told him that he saw her get taken into the hospital.

A showdown takes place at the hospital where J.J. and his men come face to face with Tony and his boys. In the process, an intense shootout transpires as J.J. and Diablo charge into the hospital kitchen. Tony is in search of J.J., but at the same time, he is using Yvonne as a shield, hiding behind the bin. Out of panic, Yvonne takes out a cleaver and while Tony is not paying attention, she plunge it deep into his body, killing him. As Tony lays on the ground, J.J. and Diablo approach Yvonne as she breaks down into tears after what just happened. The scene closes with the corpse of Tony sprawled on the floor.

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