I was mostly sold with the synopsis which starts with, “After viewing the apocalypse unfold from a research bunker in the Scottish highlands…” as it greatly appealed to me. Though, the keyword is ‘supposedly’, I have been on a bit of a kick of films supposedly shot in Scotland. And the probability of this one successfully making its way north of Hadrian’s wall swiftly plunged, when an opening caption wasn’t able to spell the name of the land accurately as it was “Scottland”. Because that is how one earns an F-grade, do you want an F-grade, people?
IT engineer Jack Chyser (Flamson) takes on a new position at a eremetic meteorological um]station, and so is the only man left there, with no inclination to go home for Christmas. Which is when the apocalypse takes place:though the “witnessing” mentioned above is a bit of a stretch, considering he is buried deep underground. Which is when the apocalypse takes place: though the “witnessing” mentioned above is a bit of a stretch, considering he’s buried deep underground. As far as he is aware,4 thanks to the facilitys computer, JIM, namely that there is lethal levels of radiation. Regardless, he travels down and waits for the radiation to disperse, since there’s plenty of food.
He spends the time competing with JIM through bowling on the Atari and practicing kung-fu from old VCR tapes.
At long last, it’s time for Jack – who remains bafflingly unchanged after his long ordeal – to go into a world, one that is, again, bafflingly unchanged after the apocalypse. He puts JIM on an RC car and they head out. This is where the movie takes a turn. Although the world as we know it today seems to have come to an end, it appears that the raging radiation did not wipe everyone out but instead drove the remaining humans to the depths of the underground and made them into budget steam-punk low-class nuts. These are the various group of survivors that Jack has to deal with during his journey to the so called haven of Salvation City. It does not take long for him to realize that learning english from kung fu VCR tapes was definitely a wrong idea.
I don’t think I’d have too many issues with the poverty-row production values. The problems run much deeper than that – and I do not just mean having the country misspelled that the film is supposedly taking place in. There are the obvious blunders like Jack cuts from walking through a forest to him being in the middle of some sand dunes. Or the way it seems two very different films have been stitched together but then only managing to run for 64 minutes. There’s also the lack of any ‘flavors’ of weirdos’ escalation in his encounters. I’ll admit, it is funny how it turned out that his first rate bowing skills on Atari were the ones which ended being useful after all those years, not the combat skills. But, when this is the films highlight, it becomes an issue.
It illustrates the kind of idiosyncratic comedic touch for this type of material, which the film definitely needs much more of. As a ditzy protagonist, Flamson does manage it for the most parts. But Jack is a character that requires and deserves much more attention than just that. Making imaginary friends and playing card games will not do the trick.
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