Isle of Forgotten Sins (1943)



Marge is in charge of the “Isle of Forgotten Sins”, which is a South Sea Island casino and a brothel. The waitresses there are Olga, Bobbie, Mimi, and Christine.

Mike Clancy, a deep sea diver, is sleeping off a hangover on a boat in the harbor. When he wakes up, he finds his diving partner Jack Burke has tied him to the bed. Clancy tells Burke that he will buy drinks if Burke frees him. Burke, however, will not free him until he sees cash. So Clancy informs Burke that his cash is in his pocket. Burke helps himself to Clancy’s pocket and takes the cash, but still does not unbind him.

Burke arrives at Marge’s house and tries to capture her heart despite the fact that she is infatuated with Clancy. Clancy storms in eventually and, angered by the Burke’s deception, thumps him into a knockout in what started as a fist fight. When Burke recovers, Clancy indicates that he has managed to identify two of the occupants in the room – Krogan and Johnny Pacific, captain and purser of the missing steamship Tropic Star that went missing in the Coral Sea alongside three million dollars worth of gold six months ago. Clancy is certain they must have buried the treasure somewhere. After leaving Marge’s, a yell followed by a gunshot is heard from upstairs, followed by a shot where a customer is seen staggering and falling dead from the upper landing. Burke then finds himself in a scene where Olga is running from the crime scene, gun in hand. In a frenzy Lowe, Johnny, and the restaurant already begin to flee, desperate to escape the impending police. Burke’s boat is the destination for Marge and her girls.

During the journey to Marana island, Clancy briefs the women of their plan with Burke, whereby he and Johnny run a plantation with Krogan. Through his binoculars, Krogan keeps tabs on Burke and Clancy, as it was clear that they intended to steal the gold. Upon their arrival with the ladies, Marge also notices Clagan’s house, and claims that they are fleeing from law enforcement and persuades Krogan to offer them shelter.

As the ladies along with Krogan and Johnny enjoy a night swim, Clancy and Burke go through the house. There, they discover the Tropic Star log book which contains a map revealing that the gold is still on the ship submerged underwater waiting to be salvaged. The map is, however, predisposed for Burke and Clancy to find it. Krogan’s plan aims to deceive Burke and Clancy into doing the dangerous work of retrieving the gold so that he can take it for himself.

Clancy and Burke start to descend in diving suits, taking turns one at a time the next morning. He (Burke) moves 60 kickback on cost as he covers for the boat and the crew. Krogan and Johnny watch in secret, waiting for the trunk full of gold bullion to be salvaged from the sea while Clancy is complaining about the issues at hand. The conflict started and Clancy and Burke began loosing their cool, which made both of them start to fight. Krogan, Johnny and their men also commenced boarding the vessel. The winner proceeds to surrender and win the argument. Krogan draws a gun and compellingly begins to order Clancy and Burke to the back room of the vessel. After that, Johnny decided to nailed the door shut. Clancy and Burke barely got away before the fusible link ignited and the boat was blown into many fragments underwater while both Krogan and Johnny set explosives to Burke’s boat after boarding their launch.

They later return to the island during the storm with 5 natives in the company of Johnny and Krogan. Marge asks where Clancy is, to which Krogan responds he has perished. The last of the treasure still didn’t interest him. After accusing Johnny of trying to double cross him, Johnny whips out the gun and they shoot each other simultaneously. Burke and Clancy enter after, content that they get to split the money after Johnny and Krogan undoubtedly perish during the ocean. The house made out of straw began getting blown away by the strong storm while the waves rose, leading me to believe the house would soon sink underwater.

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