After Effect (2012)



After Effect is totally inspired by The Facility, which was released, at least in North America, at the same time. The Facility is an average horror film that explores the topic of medical research that goes wrong. Unfortunately, After Effect fails to excite because it has a very boring ‘phoned’ plot full of unlikable characters and deteriorating attention to detail. 

Tuckie White plays Lacie, a college student who is in desperate need of cash before the semester break. She is extremely motivated after noticing a poster advertising a blind medical trial that pays a thousand dollars, and thinks to herself, ‘why not?’. 

And just like most bad horror films, everyone involved, including Lacie’s friend Killian Matthew Lucki thinks it’s an easy way to earn money. Plus, the volunteers, including Lacie, only have to step out of their homes for a few days, so what’s the harm?

As the plot unfolds, it becomes evident that this government research is being conducted under less than scrupulous conditions. A shady military officer, Sanders (John Turk), oversees it, and, according to him, his plans are much more nefarious than one would expect. Sanders also reports to Senator Davis from (Daniel Baldwin), and Davis is a deeply corrupt figure as well. Davis has the most star power in this project, which likely explains why he is given top billing in almost all publications, even though he appears in only a few scenes.

But Davis’s presence raises a slew of questions. To start, what is the experiment, and why is it being conducted at all? This is never adequately addressed at any point in the film. It doesn’t help either that all of the villainous characters deliver their lines as if the audience is already privy to the characters’ intentions or reasoning. It is nothing short of shocking that by the film’s end, which occurs after the credits for the majority of us, so much of what has taken place is unexplained and unaccounted for. It turns out the gas they were testing is some vile concoction meant for warfare. If unleashed, it will induce horrifying fury with a singular goal – to kill.

In any case, just like every other group of apes in captivity, our set of lab rats were given the same treatment. Only, chaos breaks out almost immediately afterward. Or, not quite given how ambiguous and disordered the film’s approach to the gas is.

It’s teetering on the side of funny. This guy hands the lady his phone and she summons forth a barrage of scalding vomit. However, I do believe the intention was to evoke fear rather than humor in the general audience. Regardless, the resulting attacks on Steadicams and soldiers are laughably absurd in how they omit threatening gory elements. This amounts to a teen horror comedy that requires little thought. Expect to see a lot of blood and very little concern over illegal activity being branded as art. If there’s only ten bucks to spare, estimating a 6 on the Rating Scale is safe territory.

All victims succumb to the same maladies at some point. For some it only requires near complete physical destruction in order for them to cease to exist. In contrast, every person’s body will slowly rot away like a decaying corpse until nothing of their features remain. Admittedly, thinking in these morbid terms can be quite fun for someone with an unhinged mind, however it doesn’t come close to what the trailer or the film hints at singularity. How utterly confused and irate can a viewer get before being overwhelmed by boredom? This relentless monkey-prodding kind of art will ultimately drown itself and not in a very impressive manner.

The most annoying aspect of After Effect is how, by pulling on a single strand, the entire thing comes apart. What are we talking about? It connects to the entire Shady government human experiments. It goes as far as the USA vice-president and the reason why they target students, who they know will be missed when they vanish without a trace. 

Why would they take such a colossal risk when there are countless homeless people who would want to take part in such experiments? In fact, it’s entirely plausible for them not to even have to pay these individuals. Just abduct them from the street after offering a very small incentive. There is no explanation offered in the movie for why these experiments must be conducted on students in the first place. There is no age barrier and the whole I solei reasoned, because students are broke and scavenging for money, makes zero sense when pointed back at the homeless issue. 

After Effect is bad movie. Its poor pacing, its below average story, its nothing characters and so much more, all combines to create the perfect storm of mediocrity.

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