Laserblast (1978)



A man with green skin and a laser cannon in place of an arm wanders through the desert in a state of disarray. Two reptilian aliens hop off an alien spacecraft that lands closeby, and after emerging from the ship with weapons, they shoot at the man; once they disintegrate the man, they spot an airplane in the distance, returning to the ship. While leaving, they forget their cannon, as well as a pendant the man was wearing. We now shift to our teenage protagonist, acapulco, a young boy by the name of Billy Duncan, Is still in bed. He goes outside only to find out that his mother is going to Acapulco which he himself didn’t want to go to. Feeling low, the boy goes to see Kathy, his girlfriend only to find out that her grandfather Colonel Farley is a paranoid, cursing war veteran who’s made Billy leave Kathy alone. Meanwhile Billy has to deal with his nerdy friend froggy, and Chuck Boran, a bully who also happens to be a policeman and gives billy a ticket for speeding.

After some time, we see Billy in the desert all by himself and he progressively finds the laser cannon along with a pendant. The cannon can only be fired when it is worn along with the pendant. After putting it on, he starts firing at random objects in the desert. The two aliens on board their space craft are talking to their leader who speaks in an alien tongue and without subtitles. We notice Billy’s classmate has a pool party that Billy and Kathy attend. He makes passes at Kathy who now becomes a target for Billy’s fury, as Chuck and Froggy join the brawl. Later that night, Billy decides to fire the cannon at Chuck‘s car which results in him and the alien barely hanging onto the vehicle, with the cannon causing an explosion. A government official arrives by the name of Tony Craig, whose job is to investigate the cacti and the blast site. He tells the sheriff of the town that news of the blast and its circumstances shouldn’t be talked about outside the town.

Meanwhile, Billy is feeling unwell because of an abnormal enlargement on his chest. With Kathy’s encouragement, he goes to see Doctor Mellon who extracts a metal disc from Billy’s chest. He contacts the police’s laboratory technician Mike London about examining the disc, but later that night, a crazed Billy with green skin shoots at Mellon’s car. He is successful in assassinating him with an explosion. The day after, Tony goes through the wreckage and finds some outstanding material which he takes to Mike London. After doing a few tests, Mike says that the material is composed of some inorganic substance which is not found in earth. Later that night, and very much to the world’s shock, deranged looking Billy attacks and murders the two police deputies who teased him earlier.

Distinct scenes are occurring all at the same time. In one, Billy and Kathy are lying beside his van and Kathy is able to get a hold of Billy’s alien pendant. After placing the pendant on Billy’s chest, his skin turns green, his face gets deformed, and he goes into a savage mode. He begins attacking Kathy, but she barely manages to escape. With his laser cannon, Billy starts shooting aimlessly at everything. It isn’t long until he gets attacked by airplane law enforcers due to his rampage. In a fight with the ship, Billy comes out victorious, but the same can’t be said for Chuck and Froggy as he kills them by blasting their new car. In a different scene, Tony is interrogating colonel Farley with Kathy at the same time the other two aliens are scheming to capture him. After Ted killed his hippy victim and took his van, he goes on a rampage in an abandoned city. Kathy, along with Tony, arrives at the scene and spots him shooting at nothing from an alley. Unfortunately, they are too late for Billy. He gets killed by one of the aliens who was secretly watching from a building. In the final scene, the alien returns to the spaceship after Billy is killed, the pendant and cannon destroyed. As Kathy sits next to Billy’s body in tears, Tony gives Kathy a sympathetic look.

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