Set ten years after a breakdown of the world overrun by the undead, Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption follows the journey of an uninfected wasteland raider, Knox, a man who is powerful and deadly, but sees the harshness of his murderous and raping life. Knox has no issues with abandoning his merciless ways. Of course, this never fails to amuse his friends, who now influence him to the point where they excommunicate him to the desert. Barely escaping the event alive, he’s saved by a group of survivors who have a softer side, but are still kind of jerks. Their leader goes by the name Fred Williamson but is known to the world as the Black Cobra.
One of the major antagonists, Knox’s former friend and now leader of the merciless raider group, Knox, finds out that Knox is alive and sends his goons after him. This puts Knox’s new friend group in a fight they might not feasibly win. Knox doesn’t just have to fight his former friends, but the merciless zombie horde that continues to destroy the land.
The concept is good in theory, but it is not executed very well. Knox, who is a skinny version of C. Thomas Howell, resembles a low rent version of Kyle Reese from the The Terminator universe, but what a pity that he is more Anton Yelchin than Michael Biehn and is simply too skinny to be taken genuinely as a menacing, albeit saved, figure. The set design is clearly low budget, and as a result, is poorly done. Not even the action and Fred Williamson’s acting is free from the sticky, rigid, incompetent, and most times mundane silliness of it all. It is quite heartbreaking to see such a legendary figure as Mr. Williamson comically slide over a truck hood with no valid explanation, or T.J. Hooker, or clumsily stroll around tiger-fisting while being besieged by zombies. This is something one would expect from a person of his stature taking into consideration the film’s budget and it’s something that can either be looked past or dealt with by a beer or two.
Here’s the problem with the DVD cover. The movie draws attention with its appealing aesthetic, while zombie Apocalypse: Redemption actually has very little to do with zombies. They easily could have been swapped out for a pack of wolves. At best, the flesh-eating undead are given a sub-plot. The story is more similar to a mindless The Road Warrior knockoff from the 80s where the last of humanity splits into two factions and subsequently fights over the scarce resources of an already dying planet.
Not everything about the movie is horrible, there were indeed some positive aspects. If nothing else, Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption does contain some truly memorable moments. There are indeed some unexpected surprises such as a mesmerizing woman in a slave bikini, a snake Plisse look-alike, and the remarkable line, “If I wanted your opinion, I’d rape it out of you,” is quoted in the movie.
With the exception of the one strange scene of excessive artificing, the rest of the movie’s anamorphic widescreen presentation is of decent quality. Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption does feature Dolby 5.1 audio, which does provide some eternally gratifying sounds, but it surely shouldn’t be used to impress friends.
It is always commendable when lower budget productions try to pull something out of the bag. Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption has deleted scenes, which are best forgotten, alongside a behind the scenes featurette, several commentaries, trailers, and an image gallery.
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