Illicit Behavior (1992)



If Shannon Tweed was the Queen of the Erotic Thriller, then Joan Severance was the Duchess. While not as frequent orrelasess as Shannon, she still managed to feature in a number of softcore thrillers in the early ‘90s. It is sure that Severance had a wider range than many of her contemporaries.

The very first notion about Illicit Behavior which is difficult to resist is the fact that its title is a bit derivative. Back in the days, Diana used to work in the video store and at the time, all the movies in the erotic thriller section had the same eight or nine words repeat in the titles. ‘Illicit’ and ‘Behavior’ among others such as ‘Fatal, ‘Instinct’, ‘Animal’, ‘Carnal’, ‘Basic’, ‘Desire’, ‘Sexual’, ‘Impulse’, ‘Criminal’ and ‘Intent’ were among the interchangeable words. The title is enough to ascertain if the film is karaoke or not. “It shouldn’t surprise you that the film was also released under the title Criminal Intent.” It is a somewhat surprising fact, because the name is absolutely gratuitous. In the same fashion, the film itself is just as derivative as its title.

During her treatment, Joan brings along her husband, Jack Scalia, who is a police officer. Her revelation shocks everyone, and it alters their dynamics profoundly. Robert Davi plays an Internal Affairs officer working on the case of Sealia shooting a suspect. Joan’s brother Scalia finds out that her brother molested Joan and in the rage of passion, kills his brother. That puts him in even more trouble. Now he is stuck in his luxurious house and cannot step out, and also can’t control his utter jealousy towards Joan when she starts to explore her friendship with Davi more.

Worth (Snapdragon) Keeter directed Illicit Behavior while the plot was given to erotic thriller Czar Jag (Night Eyes) Mundra. It gets strained under some cop movie cliches and police policy soap opera drama. Overall, it’s not bad, but not what we really came to the party for.

To my dismay, the film has an inexplicable amount of extra content which drags the overall watching experience. In feeling further tangled on my expectations, I was left with 20 extra minutes of the film which could have easily been cut down and felt like any normal movie. One of my major grudges with the film was the character of Severance. It had such a peculiar transition from blushing housewife too much more dominant woman, along with the rest of the screenplay. It was rather pathetic.

Yet, I still believe it to be a remarkable experience just so that you can judge Joan yourself. In addition to other implicit sexual interactions that were too inappropriate for me, she did perform well and delivered some incredible nude scenes. The cherry on the top was her wonderful introduction where she danced sexily while sporting a bikini top along with cut off jeans. Given that, her husband walked in and yelled for her to “assume the position” in the kitchen prior to smashing her against the refrigerator. If you weren’t aware, all of that is the pinnacle of the movie.

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