Last Man Down (2021)



Last Man Down paints a picture of a top-bearded man named John Wood being interrogated while tied to a chair. Further giving us details of the setting, we are introduced to Stone, who seems to be in charge of the command center, along with John’s wife being held hostage. With further details being released, it looks like John has no useful information for John.

Loosely based on a true story, 3 years down the line, John is set alone in a cabin during the pandemic as an avoider. His peace is disturbed by an escaped test subject named Marie, who ends up at the cabin’s doorstep. This leads to questions on what, or rather who, is bringing her back. To add some self-proclaiming satisfaction, it is Commander Stone who is on the mission.

Last Man Down, yet again pours water on the age-old conspiracy on how action films of the 80s looked. The answer is still countered by the situation of the two leads being separated. It takes us back to the days when Arnie was staring down Vern Wells while setting the tone for Commando or during the battles of Lundgren versus Stallone during Rocky IV. After years of Tom Cruise setting action movies sporting the pretty boy style, it is refreshing to see a movie with actors like Stone who look like they can beat you to a pulp.

Last Man Down opens with twenty minutes of context clips. Here, we learn John’s story which includes how he managed to escape after his spouse was killed. Much like Maria, it seems he is immune to the virus, so he was going to be utilized just like she was before her escape.

As a warm up, we see John and Maria eliminate a number of Stone’s men that don’t know that John isn’t just some timberman, like they claim. John dispatches two of them while on a toilet. Next level badassery. And yes, John does have a couple of good one-liners. After shooting one of his opponents with an arrow, he lets it be known that he ‘does not negotiate.’ He also has a response to Maria’s question whether he has a plan as he pulls back a tarp and reveals a stockpile of guns, grenades, and other weaponry.

Sjarel Angela in this detail breakdown explains that director Fansu Njie and co-writers Daniel Stisen and Andreas Vasshaug have smartly created Maria’s background so that she is more than a mere victim. Maria is tough and good with weapons without having to make her an ex-soldier, and it is perhaps also why trained soldiers are able to take her by surprise. Last Man Down also features two other female fighters, Granite (Madeleine Vall, Wonder Woman) and Zahara (Natassia Malthe, Battle Drone, In the Name of the King Two Worlds), although the screen time is minimal.

Even if it is fighting for its life to replicate the feeling of older action films, Last Man Down just doesn’t have the funding of one. It looks like there was some money for a few explosions, and there weren’t enough soldiers to man the piles of plastic figures Schwarzenegger battled in Commando. But there was enough money available to hire enough stuntmen to keep the gunfights and hand-to-hand scenes interesting. And make sure most scenes have enough extras to serve as cannon fodder.

All of it blends together for a final thirty minutes that bears a greater death toll than the last three Steven Seagal films combined and features two superb brawls. Naturally, he exchanges blows with Stone, and he also gets to grapple with the equally imposing Dr. Feltspat (Stanislav Yanevski, Hostel II), who performed the experiments on him and Maria. Aside from one kick from a random extra that looks sped up, the rest of the fights are blessedly gimmick free, which is a plus.

On the flip side, with Stisen nor Nehme being particularly skilled actors, it is fortunate that Last Man Down puts them in positions where they only have to scowl and snap necks. Personally, I would like to see them in some acting classes sooner rather than later. Also, the ending is a bit on the nose in terms of a setup for a sequel. But I would certainly watch that sequel because this is one of the better DTV action films I have seen in quite some time.

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