Double Tap (1997)



Locklear, Williamson, Gage, and Lazaro, or FBI Agents Hanson, Hamilton, Burke, and Rodriguez, are a close-knit squad that tends to isolate themselves in a vacant warehouse (where else?) to battle the bad guys. Hanson is a brave undercover agent and a puzzle enthusiast. Everything gets thrown for a loop with the introduction of Cypher (Rea), a hit man with not one but two signatures. He has a penchant for tampering with crime scenes; After double tapping his victims, he leaves a white rabbit’s foot behind. Cypher has some interest in lawn care too.

As the paths of Hanson and Cypher’s life start meshing, other people complicate that further. Enter Nash (Greene), Ulysses (Howard), Escobar (Martinez) and Fischer (Edson). The question remains, will the team of agents succeed in putting down Cypher? Or is he going to turn into another dead person, and a bunch of others going to join him? Place your bets now.

There used to be a swarm of films similar to this from the later 90s. During the course of 1997 to 2000, circa every other film in a video store was about hitmen or some associated gangster.

In the latter half of the nineties, there existed a pool of film producers who figured it was easy to replicate Tarantino movies. Why wouldn’t they? All he was doing was recycling earlier concepts anyways. Underworld (1996), A Better Way to Die (2000), Truth or Consequences, N.M. (1998), Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane (1996), Suicide Kings (1997), Double Deception (2001), Killing Time (1998), and Sworn Enemies (1998) are just some of a dedicated conglomerate of films released to siphon the opposite end of a Bathtub Tarantino. You understand the type of movie I’m referring to. Please do not hesitate to add more to this list via the comments. As a matter of fact, Double Tap is one of them. Even if it stars practically ALL B-movie actors, this boat is taking on water and going down fast. Another case of Lone Tiger syndrome.

It is no wonder that the movie had to be edged in a way owing to the fact that it came out in the late 90s. It was a period where we saw Mountain Dew commercials full of incredible snowboarders drinking ‘Dew. For those of you how do not know, in this context, you click open a can of dew, and slam it. Keller Locklear is now in a sleazy porn theater, in the current context, she is before a screen smoking crack. And hooray, it does not end here. lets add some crazy stylistic choices like cut inserts, freeze frames, meaty stylistic cuts, chapters with crazy titles, and so much more. 

Although quite unusual of a role for Locklear, it was great watching her step out of her comfort zone. It is doing so however, which gives her the classic diagnosis of a dissonate. While she does not embosom the look of another’s spouse, she greatly alters in voice. Who’s voicing theirs’s sounding alarmingly similar to Hillary Clintons. Remove the beauty from Locklear, and you wonder if she is going to bluntly and loudly pours sentiment about “ what a stricken issue it is with Bill”. The good news is that just like many people on Vacation, Locklear is part of the ensemble cast. We want to believe that someone else has stolen the show.

Lazaro is usually pessimistic, however this time it was a treat to see him play a good character. He is receiving more screen time than he is used to and he is making the best out of it. This is the peak of Lazaro. In addition to his unusual role, one of the factors that makes the movie interesting is Stephen Rea. (Are the filmmakers just bragging because this movie exists to cash in on some low-class stunt casting?) More or less, Peter Greene has the same character in this as he did in Sworn Enemies and a drug dealer is something that Terrance Howard plays. While there is Locklear-Fu or Rea-Fu, there is plenty of shooting and a few explosions. The actors try their best but it is too off-kilter to be pleasing and too unpolished to pleasing and, on top of that, it loses steam a lot. 

We would say it loses focus, but we’re not sure there was ever any focus to lose. Despite these criticisms, it does help set a 90’s tone since the score is by Moby. Goldie or Tricky might not have been around to get these guys, but they were most likely busy working on B.U.S.T.E.D. (1999) and City of Industry (1997), respectively

From director Yaitanes, who also gave us Comeuppance’s favored film Hard Justice, we were expecting quite a bit. So, when we paired him with Stephen Rea along with an assortment of B-Movie actors, we fully anticipated a box office hit. Unfortunately for us, that was not the case. The overediting, and editing madness that followed was not even remotely interesting. As previously mentioned, attempt to build a good movie, rather than aiming for the Irish accent which was overly portrayed in this movie. U.S. Title Double Tap has, to our knowledge, never been released on DVD within the United States. We believe we are right, and we have our reasons.

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