Bruce Lee Fights Back from the Grave (1976)



Several martial arts movies exploit the popularity of Bruce Lee and his name with little consideration for the man himself. Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave is clearly one of those ‘Bruce Lee’ films. Moreover, it features a headstone with Lee’s name on it, and claims he stars in the movie after his death. Now that is something to applaud – if only it were real.

This is straight up nonsense. The only significance this has Bruce Lee is a hastily crafted introduction featuring an incredibly fake gravestone laced with fan art, where a gravestone erupts. Afterwards, the movie begins. Lee’s life has nothing to do with the movie, and the intro seems thrown together randomly.

Nice to see the Hong Kong stonemasons have a thing for the Impact font

The movie revolves around Wong Han (portrayed by Jun Chong but the film credits him as “Bruce KL Lea”, which was smartly done to cover the filmmakers with a good “What? Oh, you thought we meant THAT Bruce Lee” excuse ). Wong is Hong Kong-born but moved to LA to visit his Kung Fu master friend that he had not seen for three years. When Wong reaches his friend’s dojo, he discovers his friend has been killed by five men, ” a Japanese, a white man, a black man, a Mexican and a cowboy.” That’s right, a cowboy.

Wong swears he will take revenge and embarks on a mission to destroy the five men similar to the one in Kill Bill. Now how he does that is beyond me, but this film was all over the place.

As he slings his friend’s bones around like some sort of satchel, he might not have the strongest hold on reality but somehow that is manageable, although there is little to no logical reasoning to go with such diabolical tendencies. His situation is straightforward – he needs a different way to see things. That’s something that cannot be contested. In his defense, some pictures are just too bizarre to fathom.

However, while he makes his way around LA, Wong does spot a woman named Susan, who appears to be under some brutal humanistic assault. Guess what? He saves her and she just so happen to have an insight of how he could track down the people that put his friend in the grave. What an uncanny coincidence.

Have you ever heard of Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave? Of course, that’s probably the worst movie out there. Let me break down why I might have an emotional climax of anger, the dubbing has got to be the worst I have ever come across while watching a movie, and if you think the fight scenes are something special, think again. On top of that, there is poor lighting and skeleton limbs throughout the movie which begs the question – where is the sense?

The last ten minutes of Wong’s quest, which starts when he meets the “cowboy” and ends when he learns of a shocking secret, depict an attempt to put a clever spin on the narrative, but in truth it only gives rise to more questions. For instance, “What stopped these actors from reaching stardom?”

“Impersonating a martial arts legend is a serious crime, so I’m placing you under arrest. What’s your defense?” “This is an awful case of voice dubbing.”

This film is worth watching, irrespective of the critiques hurled against it. And you are bound to enjoy that scene where Wong is blamed by the police chief, “You are going to get sentenced to death by electric chair,” “And what type of electric chair?” The car buying scene in the film leaves a lot to be desired, Wong with Captain Susan reveling in their displays of superb stupidity whilst longing for some action at the racecourse only to later exclaim, “oh, there they are,” is truly worth shaking your head for. Then there is this scene where Wong, having a meeting with Susan at a specific time, spends over two hours distracted in the worst-looking carnival, the cheap looking stock footage is bound to leave you bewildered.

While it may not be the Bruce Lee movie which it claims to be, Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave, sure has a lot to offer. It’s an old tale, a love story, a mystery, an action free for all and, above all things, it is complete and utter nonsense. I suggest to give it a watch.

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