White Rush (2003)



Imagine checking your wallet, and to your surprise, you discover a £1 coin sitting among the coins. What would you do? Personally, I would keep it and be glad that fortune decided to smile on me for the rest of the day. If hypothetically, you pulled out a £50 bill from an ATM, the situation becomes more convoluted. In its other extreme, the scenario entails a suitcase filled with one million pounds and six million pounds worth of illicit drugs. The new game mode in the White Rush video game, just like many other things, does whimper in significance. They have utterly neglected the question of whether it is unbelievably, unarguably easier to attack institutions than to support them, undoubtedly.

A group of friends hear shots while they’re out camping. An off duty policeman from the group, Chick, goes to investigate and stumbles upon several drug dealers’ bodies from a deal that went hay wire. When he spots the million dollars in cash with a copious amount of cocaine, he cannot believe his eyes. He decides to take the cash and drugs, all while putting together a plan for his camping trip. Unfortunately for him, he isn’t the only one who made it out the skirmish alive. Another player, Brian, has survived with only a flesh wound. He is the only one who saw the cop turn rogue. When he gets to the campsite, it is a different story though, as he finds his friends and Chick boasting about how much easier things would be if they sold the coke themselves. It is a no brainer for everyone except Eva, an ex junkie now nurse. In her case, it is the perfect opportunity to run away to a better life, leaving Chick, Brian, and the other three friends to carry out their wicked schemes. Little does Brian know, she runs into him, and he decides to kidnap her. He blackmails her into helping him get the drugs back before the aftermath gets worse. And trust me, it gets worse. The Columbian drug dealers begin to miss their stash, and one of them sends a deadly assassin to track down the drugs.

I am going to be honest here and say that when I sat down to watch the movie, I was completely biased against it”. You see I had the misfortune of watching the trailer and knew completely what I was letting myself in for. Even still, it was worse than I could possibly have conceived. The story is just laughable. You know what they say about a monkey with a typewriter. Well that must be the result of one infinite monkey recreating the work of Shakespeare. Clichéd and utterly mind numbing, it is too painful to fully articulate without resorting to profanity. Exposition is supplied through characters behaving completely irrationally to just shuttle the story forward. It is hard to describe just how terrible everything is.

The screenplay writers do attempt to put in an entertaining twist, but it is by far the most predictable twist I’ve seen and consequently, the movie is filled with plot holes. This is the type of movie that Channel 5 relays wouldn’t broadcast … Well, there is that moment of soft-focus bump-and grind-that would fit in nicely in their schedules, but still, it looks like it was thrown in at the last minute. Do yourselves a favor, get a copy for your enemy, but refrain from watching. How could you Judd Nelson!

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