Check Point (2017)



During Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath, I watched CheckPoint (2017) on Netflix. I must say, it was thrilling with an all-star cast like Bill Goldberg, Kane Hodder, Tyler Mane, and some gal named Krista Grotte. Yeah, don’t know her either.

Kenny Johnson (Adam) starts the movie with a fight aboard a truck with John Lewis (Brick), and it has to be the best scene I have ever seen. Only issue is that scene comes towards the end of the movie. Wow, such an open. Well, every movie has a climax.

We begin with a trailer of the movie showcasing how ludicrous the plot seems to be at first. In the sleepy town of Port City, North Carolina, a cadre of ex-military personnel decide to plot in order to gain control of a small town and subsequently the world. However, things go awry when Roy, a homeless veteran discovers a few locals planning to seize control of Port City. The sad reality is that no one comes forward to help him, not even his own brother, who is played by ex-WCW world heavyweight champion Bill Goldberg, his story is full of absurdities which makes him more appealing as a character. When the sun goes down, we see him on his mountain bike but during the day he works as a UPS/FedEx driver/ father and on top of everything he even tries to flirt with his daughter’s teachers. Uh, but that’s not even the interesting part, just when you suppose Goldberg is going to spear someone, the guy is shot. At least give me something.

Kane Hodder also plays the hitman in this movie and while his part is smaller, he is still able to portray his character’s arc effectively. Huh, plot twist! This is also a great movie to watch while drinking. Take a shot where the camera is out of focus or if it begins to shake during a tense moment. It would be better to have a steady cam.

Other than featuring former WCW United States Champion Bill Goldberg, the soundtrack is also incredible! If you are a fan of Lynyrd Skynyrd, then this movie is for you, because Simple Man is played more than three times throughout the film! Dollars to doughnuts I’m sure the budget on CheckPoint went to obtaining the rights for Simple Man.

Some of the highlights in CheckPoint are, witnessing Roy getting shot by a bazooka and surviving it while being in one piece. Another villain blasts a flagpole down with a US flag attached; the flagpole just topples over, but Goldberg and his lady teacher friend who is also military with a badass one-sided shaved head pick it up and re-inserts the pole so the flag can, you know, do flag things.

In total, I would give Checkpoint one star. It has Goldberg in it and it’s an over-the-top action film. At least one thanks to The Massive One’s good friend Rafael for helping me watch this modern-day classic.

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