Alive or Preferably Dead (1969)



Alive or Preferably Dead is a spaghetti western comedy which, as the title suggests, does not take itself too serious. Its director, Dulcie Tesira, is an Italian filmmaker, and together with a cast that includes memorable Tesira character actors, the movie turns out to be pure fun, as we begin to discover the lighter side of the Wild West. Alive or Preferably Dead is an unusual combination of slapstick humor and high production value. It does not amuse in some ways, it fails to capture in many.

In a story that spans over six months, two brothers, Monty and Ted Mulligan, who do not share cordial relationships, must cohabitate under one roof in order to split the inheritance of $300,000. $200,000 is put dollar for dollar to something that seems straightforward on the outside, however the two brothers cannot stand each other and their shared history is one ridden with systematic calamity. Thus, as a coping mechanism both siblings turn to robbery, kidnapping, and other illegal activities to help them survive their time together. Ultimately, there is one question left to be answered: can the brothers make it to the end of their feud without killing each other or will something finally give between the siblings? In walks a beautiful woman named Rosella Scott, and things are sure to get complicated. And if you thought this family drama wasn’t linked with romance, boy you were sorely mistaken.

One of the two stars of the film is Giuliano Gemma portraying Monty Mulligan. He is the more advanced of the brothers, as we get a great introduction to his lifestyle and personality in the beginning moments of the film. This man is used to the busy life of the city, and the moment he gets news of his inheritance, he is in for a shock and a change of pace. Moving to the wild, he must share a home with his rough-and-tumble brother. As always, Gemma plays the role perfectly, and gives Monty Mulligan the charming personality that only he could deliver. His style and quick thinking can be seen throughout this movie, which increases the fun to a level that all of us did not expect. To top it all off, we even get some of Gemma’s signature moves that are pure signatures that show his amazing talent in fight choreography and stunts. The movie is a mile a minute, and Gemma manages to capture us through the entire length of the movie, but we expect nothing less.

Nino Benvenuto portrays Ted Mulligan, the more straightforward of the two siblings. He would not mind living an undisturbed life, away from the constant activity of the world, and he has, so far, lived that very same lifestyle. That is until his brother comes into town, and with him, a bulldozer that destroys everything that he holds dear. Nino excels as the sympathetic brother, who strives to earn a honest living but can’t get a break from hard work. He embodies the role of the angelic character who does not get a chance to show his mischievous side until he meets his brother for the first time. After the reckless Monty burns down Ted’s house, turning Ted’s life upside down, Ted can not help but step out of his comfort zone, and Nino is able to wear these hats with delighted glee. It is rather hard to cope with the sheer energy that comes from Giuliano Gemma, but Nino does his utmost in making his character equally fun and exciting.

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