The Lost Treasure begins with Eddie Fox (Josh Margulies) an avid treasure hunter who possesses a thick book filled with secrets and wonders A powerful spear that was once been utilized by Hawaiian kings. But this book did not fall into Eddie’s hands by chance. It belonged to Eddie’s great uncle who used to go on travel expeditions and needed a compass.
Before Eddie Fox and his assistant Maleko (William Roehl) can brainstorm ways to make sense of this book, they’re intruded upon by Tanya (Stella Tinucci) who has sinister intentions like the rest of the people pursuing Eddie. Tanya wishes to locate the potent spear before the vile Charles Wellington (Dezmond Gilla) reaches it. But before Fox can ask further questions, one of Wellington’s henchmen named Kainoa (Kava Jones) appears at Eddie’s doorstep.
The Lost Treasure is a movie about kids so I might want to start there. I know I do not review much of stuff that may be considered ‘family friendly’ but it happens to all of us the next generation of action and horror fans have to begin somewhere. So if there is further interest in it, I will try reviewing more of these films coming my way.
The writer, director, and actor Stella Tinucci combines Hawaiian mythology completely with some context if not actual raids from the Lost Ark. They have indeed been tailored to the film’s comparatively low budget and intended audience. The result is considerably more amusing than I expected it to be.
Eddie Fox Margulies’s portrayal of some of the British versions of Dr. Who’s character is obviously intelligent, scatterbrained, and completely disorganized yet not hopeless. He is even a bit like Sylvester McCoy during a fraction of these scenes. Tinucci’s Tanya is quite effective. She is so cute and appealing that not only will she serve as a cunningly crafty partner, but also rescue the helpless man from danger.
Dezmond Gilla is appropriately menacing as the villain of The Lost Treasure. Even during his attempts at killing the heroes, his character is not excessively evil. This puts him on the favorable side of the divide, allowing him to remain engaged without giving the children nightmares.
Roehl suits the part of Fox’s level-headed assistant and Jones fits perfectly as the dumb and muscular villain, even though the supporting cast is not as well used as they should be. Alongside them are the other two characters, Leilani, the villainous henchwoman played by Terry Bookhart, and the magical character Mahina played by Angelica Quinn. All four form the small cast in the film.
Tinucci also had the wit to maintain the film’s duration. The Lost Treasure does not go beyond an hour, barring the credits. It is perfect for individuals with short attention spans, as it ends before they can wander off. This also results in the budgetary issues of the film not becoming too apparent.
Negatively, there are times that The Lost Treasure exhibits a little bit too much caution. For instance, there is a sequence in which the characters engage in the act of throwing coconuts at each other’s heads, and it’s painfully clear that they are indeed just tossing them very lightly at one another. There aren’t many if any, double entendres that would be lost on kids but might elicit a chuckle from adults who are watching with them.
Nonetheless, The Lost Treasure captured my interest much more than the recent Amityville in the Hood, Rucker, and others that were presumably targeted to viewers like me. If the movie has managed to accomplish that, then it spells good news for keeping its intended audience entertained as well.
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