Mixtape Trilogy: Stories of the Power of Music (2022)


An artist performs with the hope of using their creativity and ambition, whereas a consumer cherishes a song as a method of escaping or seeking solace. Most fans have extremely low chances of meeting their beloved musician, but that doesn’t signify that the listener cannot have a unique bond with the artist. In her award-winning film Mixtape Trilogy: Stories of the Power of Music, Kathleen Ermitage demonstrates that music is something that everybody appreciates and affirms that it has the ability to connect them through shared appreciation and emotions. 

The director focuses her attention on three distinctive artists, documenting every one of them with the same level of detail., They are different from one another, but equally purposeful in their musical pursuits. By highlighting music and its relationship between artist and admirer, the filmmaker shows that music has an evocative quality capable of showing who we are as individuals. We are first introduced to the folk-rock duo consisting of Emily Saliers and Amy Ray, the Indigo Girls. Ray and Saliers are both prominent supporters of the LGBTQ community and make music celebrating individuality and social change.

It is not surprising that their music would appeal to people who feel marginalized. Ermitage combines the insights of Ray, Saliers, and Yellowlees wonderfully since, as they all put it, they are willing to say what they do or how they listen to music. For example, Ray explains how she was influenced by feminist author Meridel Le Sueur. After all, the film is smart enough not to portray Yellowlees simply as a crazy fan, but as someone who rather came to appreciate the music more.

After 30 minutes with the Indigo Girls, the composer and pianist, Iyer, takes the stage. Having All-Russian roots, Iyer is specialized in Jazz, makes him a magnate target of violence. Regardless, he soared while creating music that goes beyond people’s fashion of thinking. He is also a writer, Garnette Cadogan, who admires the musician so much that he even tries to conduct a few casual interviews with Iyer to understand how he thinks. This section of Mixtape Trilogy: Stories of the Power of Music is more reflective and steady. With Iyer and Cadogan, I now also observe the restrained manner in which they carry themselves. However, this change of pace, even if a bit too rigid, is so far a welcomed one.

Michael Ford explains the world around and how he facilitates change using hip hop. His Hip Hop Architecture Camp aims to engage children in healthy conversations about their society while practicing hip hop. The world gets a bit more optimistic when children come together to find solutions for how to better their community because it only takes some ‘noise’ or in this case hip hop, to create change. Despite the overwhelming sense of loss in Ford’s journey, his message is articulated well.

All three artists are looking to attract a similar audience willing to embrace change. Because Mixtape Trilogy: Stories of the Power of Music is made up of combined clips, it reveals the everlasting character of music’s influence as well as why it should be revered by both the listener and the artist.

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