ElemenTory (2024)



Above all else in the world, nothing can mean more to you than your children. When it comes to offering them an umbrella of security, it can be regarded as the single most important aspect of being a parent. Not accomplishing something as important as this can be unmatched in terms of how disheartening it is. Those emotions captured in Arlyn’s film “ElemenTory” are brutally gripping.

George (Tyrone Reeves) gets into a conversation with one of his neighbors after picking his son Mason (Nolan Ward) up from school. To have a break from the convo, he tells Mason to run home and use the toilet. George is too busy chatting with the neighbor at this stage. So he walks in the house only to find his partner Yvonne (Kenisha Pinckney) where they both figure out that Mason never made it home.

After class, Tory (Francesca Rain) is seen with her teacher, Ms. Williams (Crystal T. Williams), who has attended to her. Ms. Williams leaves Tory alone for a brief moment, and Tory goes missing while Ms. Williams assumes she is still in the classroom. After talking to Principal Athena (Phynjuar) and other school officials, Tory’s parents Neil (Shaun Paul Costello) and Sylvia (Juliette Valdez) become panicked when they learn that their daughter is missing.

Two children have yet to be located and local law enforcement has not been able to make headway on the case which has now extended one week. Exasperated with the lack of progress, George and Yvonne seek out Neil and Sylvia. The two couples put their heads together to come up with a plan that enables them to start looking for their kids without relying on the police. They all agree that one way or another, no matter what they have to do, they need to find their children.

No user will ever dispute the fact that the movie was intense, considering that the performances were quite passionate and aggressive. Every set of parents that had to go through a breach of confidence in the law enforcement and in the school system feels intensely. The frustration of the parents leaps right out of the screen as they try to look for their children. Besides the fierce acting, the onscreen action is just as potent. ElemenTory incorporates elements of action-thriller within a dramatized plot.

The film has a particular clue aspect in it. The ensemble of minor characters within the school and the neighboring community makes you wonder about the fate of the two children. Plus, the film goes so far as blurring the distinction between the good and the bad that I did not know whom to support. The main characters start out as victims only to perform on others actions that are no better, in fact, arguably worse than those that were committed towards them in the first place. Still, you will feel baffled with ElemenTory until the very end.

The concept of safety and safeguarding of the children of the nation has been a very hot topic of discussion in the past 10 years and counting.

Countless school shootings grabbing the media spotlight have opened up a broad debate on how children should be safeguarded. Parenting styles shift with the ever-growing presence of the internet, and so with the world. ElemenTory leans into this cultural conversation making the audience reflect on how they would feel and deal with such a traumatic event.

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