Death Link (2021)



A video link was sent to high school senior Julie (Elise Luthman) thanks to her favorite social networking platform Instatock. In this video, Julie’s friend Albert appears to be viciously killed. Julie and her upper-class peers are not sure if it’s just a prank until news breaks out that one of Albert’s bullying victims has escaped a mental health institution. It’s only when the group starts disappearing, one by one, that they realize someone has been stalking them through their posts on the application.

For now, I have seen about one hundred and fifty new movies that were released this year. Of course, lots of them were pretty good and a lot of them were just free fakes. And yet, today, I’ve seen the worst film of the year so far David Lipper‘s Death Link a stupid, uneventful, corny, undeveloped, unimaginative copycat of Share or Die and Countdown. This is a very bad movie in and of itself. But out of the three, this is without a doubt the worst.

How does one even go about defining Death Link? To begin with, it’s quite devastatingly boring which is tragic. What I mean is, this is a film where the idea of a “killer app” has once again been manipulated poorly, and I really do not understand how it continues to occur. In this regard, there are so many better and peoples use to so much more entertaining things that might be done in a film that deals with the idea of some social craze/fad/phone/app gone unchecked, and still, each time it has been attempted, it has turned out to be awful.

Here characters are nearly non-existent. No but really, which characters exactly are portrayed in this film? Atrociously, all of them are so underdeveloped that at the end of the movie, I honestly was left wondering who any of these people were. Of course not in a literal sense. These people aren’t defined aside from as chess pieces, or “victims” in a slashers game. They just happen to be there to eventually be slaughtered later. It’s time to get real. You cannot just give us a set of random characters along with a reason like ‘we need some depth’ and expect us to feel for them because they happen to be the main characters that’s just a poor excuse.

The plot revolves around cruelty and is never expanded upon. There’s a strange feeling of losing hope even before sitting down for this film. There are some responses that are indeed provided but the target audience will most likely not be appeased by the carefully crafted deception. While we are at it, more than three quarters of the film’s lines are truly dreadful. This definitely is the worst piece of work that I have laid eyes on in the entirety of the year. They probably took one look at the film and decided that attempting to save it is too much effort.

I do hope that the performers were recognized for their unmet potential because this is definitely not the film to flaunt their skills on. Death Link, a movie which is unfortunate because it is borderline atrocious to the point of being laughable.

To watch more movies like Death Link 123website.

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