Man Vs Bigfoot (2021)



When we hear about Bigfoot, a man in a gorilla suit or the Patterson Gimlin footage from 1967 comes to mind. It is always hard to ignore that polemic clip, not to say the jokes that have been made around it. For some, however, the Sasquatch is definitely not something to laugh at. It is from this train of thought this “Man Vs. Bigfoot” takes it’s cues. David D. Ford delivers a thrilling adventure hybrid that attempts to make Bigfoot an actual real modernized threat. This is an independent film attempt and skewing the more adult themes of the genre into a family friendly tale is never easy. Getting the Man vs Bigfoot right must have been quite the challenge for a low budget independent film, but it certainly paid off in the end. I promise.

Currently, there is a character known as Jack in the film, an ex-army ranger turned cop, who seems to be on sabbatical, suffers from some elements of PTSD and is trying to piece himself together. The reconstruction process is not easy. While Jack is keen on going back to work, he has not set a date. Next, we are introduced to Jack’s brother, Aaron. He seems to be getting ready for a hike, and his wife drops him off with equipment ready to go. Alongside this, the first twenty minutes or so of the film follows Aaron being chased by something. A fence stands in the way of Aaron’s retreat, forcing him to fight against his unknown pursuer instead. After capturing a video message intended for his wife, Aaron proceeds to leave the phone on, confronting the tormenter.

Not long after, he is missing and a police report is filed as a search is arranged, but nothing is found. Aaron’s campsite along with his phone is located, but there is no sign of him. In the hopes of trying to understand what actually happened, Jack decides to venture solo. During his journey, he meets Don Bighorse, an old man who spent his childhood in the woods and knows the truth about the Bigfoot legend. He narrates the story of a creature that has sorely lost its mate and is currently on a killing spree. Jack doesn’t believe him and thanks him for his time and moves on. I do not wish to ruin any more of the movie for you, but I will tell you this. The intricate story of “Man Vs. Bigfoot” has a single common element. Family. It is a film with a Bigfoot in it, but there is more to it than the hairy creature that most of us are used to reading about. What’s also interesting is this: Ford’s movie, while being an indie micro budget, was still quite good. Or at least that’s how I feel.

I have to admit I was quite surprised and pleased with how the film “Man Vs. Bigfoot” turned out. Over the years, I have come across some great low-budget movies, but even now when I see ones that emulate something great, I am impressed. They still get some things right. For the most part, Ford’s film does sound and look better than its indie roots would suggest although some fundamental low-budget characteristics remain. Also, the great story by David D. Ford is wonderful. He combines modern issues like PTSD with some good old-fashioned family values, and does it all with style.

Let’s discuss what everyone seems to be thinking about, Bigfoot. I know what you are thinking, some guy wearing an ape costume. But you cannot possibly think about the Yetis without picturing some cheesiness, am I right? But do not worry readers because if you are looking for classic representations of the iconic hairy monster in “Man vs Bigfoot,” then you will not be disappointed. Bigfoot is still the same; big and hairy and everything else that goes with it. Even though Sasquatch looks exactly how you picture it, it is done superbly considering how little budget there was for the movie. There also happens to be some stellar practical effects going on here. I cannot quite explain it. I instead recommend you check it out for yourself.

In conclusion, “Man vs Bigfoot” is definitely more than just your average Bigfoot movie like other low budget cell phone footage indie movies. It is a perfectly balanced and well-acted film. Ford’s film will be shocking for those who expect to see another micro-budget set. I had a blast watching this film, so at the end of the day, that’s all that really matters. Four stars.

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