Trespass Into Terror (2015)



ALIEN TRESPASS begins with a series of vintage 1950s black and white newsreels. These are what they used to show instead of commercials before the feature. The newsreels put you in the right frame of mind for the upcoming movie and also lead to a faux newsreel of an old Hollywood studio that lost everything in litigation.

Hollywood “titan”, world famous Hollywood movie star, Actor Eric McCormack (known as Merrick to his fans, but we know him as the actual actor Eric McCormick NIGHT VISITORS, THE LOST WORLD, RETURN TO THE LOST WORLD), had an impassable contract dispute with his long time studio boss, Louis Q. Goldstone, head of Goldstone International Pictures over the completed film, ALIEN TRESPASS. In a fit of pique, Goldstone ordered that ALIEN TRESPASS never be shown and all prints and negatives be destroyed. But of course, one did survive and that’s the movie we see a long lost Science fiction epic from the 1950s.

Like something out of THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD or IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE, a flying saucer goes out of control in outer space and heads for a collision course with Earth.

In a small California town, World famous astronomer, Ted Lewis (Eric McCormack), is interviewed on television about the upcoming Persius meteor shower. A woman in her trailer paints her art while the TV plays and she softly lusts after Dr. Lewis.

Meanwhile, Ted Lewis is at home with his lusty wife, Lana (Jody Thompson HELLRAISER: HELLSEEKER, THE 4400 [TV]), having a cookout as they wait for the meteor shower.

Meanwhile, out in the desert in their car at night, young lovers Dick and Penny make out in Dick’s car while Penny keeps Dick in his pants. Suddenly they notice one of the meteors is flying in the sky like real crazy, Daddy-O. Gosh! It’s heading right for them!

Meanwhile, Ted and Lana see the meteoroid crash and only Lana’s promise of hot sex after dinner stops Ted from running out to the mountain to see it up close.

Meanwhile, a backwoods redneck rouses his old hound dog from sleep to go and check out that spaceship that just crashed!

Meanwhile, …Great Scott! A DOOR is opening on the spaceship, and some weird varmint comes out and attacks a wolf!

Then some silvery dude in a spacesuit like THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL comes out and looks around!

Then the redneck and his hound dog reach the spaceship and are confronted by the silver-suited alien!

Later, Ted and Lana are in bed together, though Ted has one foot on the floor. Ted gets up from Lana’s lusty yet satisfied embrace and heads out to go see that dang ol’ meteoroid! Seriously. You can slip your hot wife the high-hard one every night, but how often does a meteoroid come crashing virtually in your own backyard?

The next day in a small town cafe, the woman artist comes in late to work where she does the waitress thing. Her name is Tammy (Jenni Baird: THE 4400 [TV]) and the local Sheriff’s officer, Vernon Watson (Robert Patrick: TERMINATOR 2, THE FACULTY, FROM DUSK TILL DAWN 2), openly lusts after her. When she rebuts him, he hints that she may be a lesbian, but when Tammy confronts him directly about his “hints”, Vernon timidly backs down.

Still, a few locals saw the crash from their various points of view in the town and a couple of the teens wanted to see it.

Vernon and Deputy Stu Barnes (Sage Brocklebank: SEVERED) are the first up the mountain to check things out. After them, Penny (Sarah Smyth: DECOYS) and Dick (Andrew Dunbar: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA RAZOR), with their friend, Cody (Aaron Brooks).

Cody goes by himself to try and find the meteoroid while nervous Penny stays behind and Dick sticks behind with her. Alone in the desert, Merry Mishaps occur.

Meanwhile, a disoriented Ted returns home and crashes the car. Lana doesn’t get what’s going on with Ted and he acts like a stranger is in his body talking through him.

ALIEN TRESPASS is a fun movie whether you are familiar with 50s era SciFi or not. It is a sci-fi action creature feature first with a TREMORS fun twist to it. Writers James Swift (also producer) and Steven P. Fisher put all the right pieces in place for this film and Producer & Director R.W. Goodwin (Director and Producer on THE X-FILES when it was good!) got the most out of them. ALIEN TRESPASS is humorously clever in its trivia recalls to moral ethics of the period as well as motion picture references. Yet it never becomes self-referential, which gets tedious in no time flat.

So why have I taken so long to review a movie that came out just a year ago?

On its initial release, ALIEN TRESPASS, both in trailers and press, billed itself as a laff-a-minute rollicking comedy.

It’s not. And prepped for that wild comedy, when I first saw ALIEN TRESPASS, I was soon bored out of my skull. ALIEN TRESPASS was so horribly presented, marketed, advertised, everything.

A year later when it came up on my Netflix, I remembered that it was just vaguely compelling enough that I decided to give it another chance, and I’m glad I did.

ALIEN TRESPASS is fun, entertaining, and 100% nails the feel of 1950s sci-fi. With its rich colours, retro-tech special effects, and an alien creature sporting one red eye (looks like a giant French tickler), it even has the plausible feel of what would have been an expensive technicolour SciFi movie of the 1950s.

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