Tessa Young (Josephine Langford) has a lot going on and for good reason, she should be excited about it. A dream job in her dream city’s publishing firm is at her grasp and all set to make her way to Seattle. Then comes the surprise visit of her estranged alcoholic father Richard (Atanas Srebrev), which makes matters complicated. To top it all, her relationship with Hardin Scott (Hero Fiennes Tiffin) is also in shambles. With Tessa choosing to settle in Seattle, Hardin’s jealousy tendencies combined with his volatility, yet again, surface.
Even though their relationship is stretching thin, Tessa’s love for Hardin won’t let her let go. With time, Hardin and Tessa put in the effort to sustain their connection and with Tessa finally getting settled in Seattle, voila. But, with the surface of the family secrets Hardin has combined with the emotional struggles he deals with, the story of ‘these two’ is bound to come to an end, unless they want to put the effort in.
Yes readers, there is definitely more where this came from! Another beloved movie where Tessa and Hardin’s relationship evolves in unhealthy and damaging ways is finally out. I honestly did not expect anything different anymore. It’s always been about ‘what kind of drama are they going to pull now?’ and ‘how are they going to adapt the book this time around so that it doesn’t make sense and is highly uncomfortable to watch?’ I was, like many others, hoping that the reason behind the shocking ending of ‘After We Collided’ would lead to a significant development in all characters that were involved. Unfortunately, that also did not happen. After the first ten minutes of the movie, there was no other development other than Tessa aiming to reconnect with her abusive father. Somehow that seem too complicated for the writer to string along with the rest of the movie so it was just dropped entirely. What we were given was Tessa and Hardin’s monotonous day to day lives which also provided no joy or interest.
What viewers did get were glimpses of Tessa’s arrogant and quarrelsome father, who does find joy and satisfaction is being hostile with Richard. At the same time, he also seems to get offended over the fact that Tessa wishes to give her father another chance. It’s also bizarre and offensive hearing her father verbally abuse everyone around him when the resting pulse in his coffin was the attempts that Tessa made to make him reassess his crude beliefs.
Seeing Hardin’s attitude towards Tessa’s job acceptance in Seattle showed that Hardin was only getting more infuriating. Without regard for Tessa’s accomplishment, Hardin moaned and groaned about his plan of moving to London with Tessa instead. While it may sound absurd, Hardin is now portraying Tessa as the unfaithful boyfriend who does not want to build a life together. The saddest part is that these were only some of the many harmful comments Hardin made throughout the movier everything he’s put Tessa through have gone out of the window due to a deep-seated delusion that she will one day decide to hook up with one of those guys.
Tessa is expressing pain caused by Hardin in a manner that showcases how terrible he has always been to her. This is treatened as a singular arc where Tessa overcomes her broken relationship with Hardin, but rather is just another exhibition of the make up sex that is the centre of Tessa and Hardin’s love. The return of Tessa’s father after she has estranged herself from him could have aided the plot on how Tessa and Hardin dissolve into the togetherness they have always wanted, but because of how horrible they treated each other is unexplained. It’s unfortunate that the moment does not bear any fruits and the performance of Aternas Srebrev as a morally confused addicted put to waste.
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