I have enjoyed watching a cat and mouse style thriller where a detective hunts for a serial killer ever since David Fincher’s Se7en. This type of storytelling contains just the right amount of suspense and drama that keeps an audience on the edge. The ending in such plots is often unpredictable which is a hallmark for crime thrillers. So, if there is one definitive feature that a strong mystery should contain is the element of surprise. Damaged is an excellent example of such a mystery.
The plot tracks detective Lawson (Samuel L. Jackson) as he goes to Scotland for a case. Following a series of murders, Lawson is brought as a consultant after a killer copies the murders that he previously investigated five years ago in Chicago. It is wonderful to see Jackson in the lead role, as he had been stuck in supporting parts for years in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But I would suggest the filmmakers are still trying to mislead the audience since that is more of a Gianni Capaldi movie. Moreover, do not get deceived by Vincent Cassell’s lofty billing and conspicuous spot on the poster. He has a fairly small role that only materializes in the second half.
Jackson has a very different take than “Nick Fury” and that is indeed nice. He’s a drunken man who has obviously been overtaken by the world. It is nowhere near the caliber of his work with Tarantino, but watching him embrace the darkness is enjoyable. Ironically, this feels like a continuation of his character in Spiral. And shoutout to John Hannah, who may have a limited screen time but certainly leaves a mark.
I appreciate what Terry McDonough does with television, but it doesn’t carry over in this case. The glaring problem is that it simply appears to be low-quality television. I cannot tell you how many times I felt as though I was watching a CBS crime drama sitcom. There is a lack of energy and excitement in the action. On the flip side, I thought the more serial killer focused aspects received slightly better treatment. Even if it did mean a murder or two. Though in this movie, it’s suggested that Scottish women cannot permit unknown individuals to knock at their doors during ungodly hours.
As far as optimism goes, there’s not a lot of it present since the police are shown to be incredibly horrible at carrying out even the most straightforward of actions. They set a trap for someone, only to appear baffled when it does not work. It was amusing to watch Detective Boyd chase the bad man with a drone guiding him. It’s a clever idea and gives the film some of its scarce unique action. But most of the police work is beyond silly.
For instance, the ending offered a different kind of twist that I hadn’t prepared myself for. I assumed that they had another angle in mind. Indeed, the ending is almost comical in its recursive twists. I barely had the chance to breathe. And as an ardent Saw devotee, I relish those absurd ending twists in movies where no rational logic seems to prevail. And this one relishes in it. It even altered my perception of the rest of the movie with it’s Bond villain approach. But this style dramatically contrasts with the rest of the film, and that is why I question if any bit of this tape is good.
The film as a whole is a strange experience. Since Sam Jackson is chewing so much scenery in a single scene, it makes me worried about his teeth, and of course I always enjoy a Vincent Gallo appearance. The movie, unfortunately is too concerned with scheming works to fully reflect on character development. Rather, they turn out to be foolishly stupid or scary smart in a delightfully agonizing way. There’s very little in between. I ended up enjoying in a way many other would consider ‘so bad it’s good’, but I’m not sure many would share sentiments.
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