Red Snow (2021)



It begins with a woman standing by a cabin and shouting to her dog. When it doesn’t come back, she goes into the forest in search of it. After a while, she comes across its collar covered in blood. She gasps and hears a sound, and when she turns around, she sees a vampire, Brock (Alan Silva), and his hunting partner, Jackie Laura Kennon, comes for him as well. She gets killed off-screen.

After the credits, A woman gets out of a car, and we find out her name is Olivia (Dennice Cisneros). She is an aspiring vampire novelist and keeps on getting rejection letters. Now, she lives in her late mother’s house that is located close to Lake Tahoe. We see her taking a peppermint out of her advent calendar, reading 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories, which is fun. She then goes on with her life. One day, something thumps on her window.

She peers outside and spots a bat on the snow, injured. Retreating indoors, she googles bat rescue tips, grabs a box, puts on rubber gloves, pours some water into the container and places it in the garage. While I did not see the slowly passing car. The following morning, she calls her sister then hears some commotion from the garage. As she looks, her eyes land on a box that is broken and inside is a skinny vampire, who she would soon learn is Luke (Nico Bellamy), with a gash on his side. She runs for a knife, then locks the door after shutting it.

There’s a knock at the door and there stands a man we recognize as the driver from the previous night. He shows a badge, however, does say hes a private eye called Julius King (Vernon Wells, Re-Vamped, The Dead Undead & Like a Bat Outta Hell) and that he was looking to three people, two which we recognize from the beginning of the film and the last the vampire in the garage, but she chooses to keep quiet.

King points out the vampire book she’s reading, along with the plastic fangs hanging as Christmas Tree ornaments, and claims that she must enjoy vampires. Then, he states that the three of them are indeed vampires and continues to say how dangerous they are before hinting that he’s just joking. After he leaves, she takes some clothes to Luke (whom she learned the name of from King) along with his card, but because those are the only clothes she has left, they are her mother’s, so he spends a part of the movie in his mother’s clothing. Commanding blood from her, his eyes clouded and fangs glistening out. She, however, gets it from the supermarket despite his disdain for the pig’s blood.

Hence, this is how they met Olivia, now the student, has a real life vampire to learn from, and Luke is stuck with a lore fetishist investor. Garlands cause hives, stakes will kill, crosses are an issue with good priests, and sunlight won’t kill but it sure does hurt, holy water only works when the priest isn’t corrupt, which is most of the time. Furthermore, there is the issue of having a vampire who has amnesia about their mortal life while also having an implied need to be invited. Luke did not get invited, but Olivia did carry him, which is a form of invitation. Kinda. There is an invite later. The healing injury was caused by King shooting at Luke with a holy water drenched crossbow bolt. Of course, she also manages to have him read the manuscript towards the rest of the story to help for Gordon’s sake. Of course King is still out there and so are Luke’s vampire companions…

The foolish but gentle comedy mostly revolved around the characters and their absurdity, especially with Luke and Olivia as the leads, and their charm and likability to carry the show. This did work for the film, Olivia comes across as a little giddy, but determined, and Luke is charming in a sort of gruff way.

The plot is straight to the point, while elements of gore were well crafted. Luke’s character motivations could have been explored deeper since much of his violence feels safe and very hungry. Regardless, these questions won’t ruin the story because, at least for me, it is the simplicity in this film that really appealed to me.

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