The release of Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind and the global pandemic which began in 2020 undeniably impacted the course of civilization.
The second claim, however, is amusing, but has some underlying truth to it it only shows how Contact: The CE-5 Experience, the documentary, considers itself above everything else.
Serena Dc makes everything seem bright with her lens for the CE-5 ufology movement. CE-5 is where you teach people to alter their level of consciousness with the end goal of making contact with aliens. Already highly debated, CE-5 is one of the most controversial parts of ufology, and Dc fawning over it in the form of a documentary is not helping the matter at all.
Dc believes she had a transformative life experience due to CE-5 and because of this had an urge to contact the man who initiated all the work, Dr. Steven Greer.
Over the last couple of decades, Greer has been the face of the UFO disclosure movement, but controversy after controversy has marked him as one of the most polarizing figures within the space. Outlandish claims coupled with media attention lead to hefty profits from believers, and today, he is widely known for exactly this. Think of him as the ufology version of Vince McMahon: a powerful businessman, a showman, and CEO of an industry with a overly supportive fanbase.
The CE-5 Experience shows Greer invite Dc and his crew to Oracle Arizona to film a workshop where Greer teaches his CE-5 protocols. These ‘gatherings’ are highly celebrated among those who share Greer’s ideology. For these folks, UFOs are not simply the glowing lights that are visible in the night sky, they are illuminating hope towards the path of enlightenment.
His followers travel from around the globe to learn from Greer how to make contact with E.T.s and Dc joins them as they narrate their experiences on how E.T. contact initiated through CE-5 has transformed their lives for good.
According to Dc’s diverse perspectives, his doc does not benefit the viewers in any way. It does not just fulfill the scenery of woo, it goes beyond borders to normalize alien contacts as a fact of existence.
One man describes his encounters after the CE-5 event which took place in the desert. The gentleman claimed to have invited the being over to his place so they could spend the night playing hide-and-seek and going for walks. The cherry on top of this syrupy story? The charitable visitor healed the man’s hearing loss.
We are unable to provide proof of a gentleman alien encountering a mischievous alien. However, there should be medical records that track his hearing problems and the sudden positive change.
Time and again, DC fails to substantiate these remarkable allegations with case-based information, which appears to be a trend throughout the documentary.
Contact: The CE-5 Experience has lots of photographs of aliens as evidence of contact, bordering on the absurd. Even diehard enthusiasts of UFOs will find it difficult to comprehend the spherical blobs of light that flash on screen. Instead, it is a collection of distant skyward objects and blurry nearer objects: a clear disturbance.
But we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and this is precisely where the truth becomes an elusive notion. The interviewees in the film make bold statements that are often hard to believe, and they defend themselves with their impressive sob stories. Take, for instance, the interviewee who is quite certain there’s an alien agenda at hand. And I have no doubt most of them truly believe in what they are saying. But believing in something doesn’t make it true.
One of the interviewees named Ignacio has a couple of problems with the film, which he highlights when he says, “all my life I knew E.T.s were out there.”
This cite perfectly has our attention.
So what made him think that UFOs existed? Has he met one? Did he come across Whitley Strieber’s book Communion? Did any of his parents work at Area 51? The film treats this story like this man is the selected one and rides along everything he states.
Ignacio also makes mentions to the fact that he was cognizant everything “he looked at in media wasn’t right.” When he uncovered Greer, he was confident that he was in the right place. Once again, why? Was he in the right place because Greer told him what he wanted to be told?
Reality barely meets the expectations people possess. While the fantasies of billions of people differ, and in their quest for knowledge, the world around us evolves. Concentrating on proving your assumptions is not claiming yourself to be smarter, that’s stunted development.
When someone is presenting you a wishful thinking state, that’s more the reason to challenge them. There are no question marks in this film. We’re not listening to the words of a well versed individual. The unquestioning loyalty presented in the film feels more like fanaticism.
This is one of the thoughts that constantly cross my mind, where does one draw that telekinetic border line of a single event and a massive one? I’ve met a considerable number of people and for all of them, having such a glass shattering telekinetic brain art moment would be extraordinary because, well, who in their right mind would not consider telekinesis to not be normal?
Filmmakers do not take the CE-5 experience seriously. In a matter-of-fact way, Contact: The CE-5 experience states how they sat on a circular spaceship and traveled through realms with aliens in inner worlds. This is filled with new-age claims of improving humanity’s vibrational frequencies alongside servitude to the ‘galactic savior’ memes. To be frank, The CE-5 movement’s core beliefs are humans are a species that need bid cleaning to gain their creators favor to remain sane within the universe.
The film has its robotic pauses throughout when Greer seems to take his followers through some dulling guided meditations, that could serve as a form of torture for some. These segments could last for a couple of minutes, which might appear pleasant to some but to the average viewer, it is as irritating as watching love sick people gaze at each other. People tend to criticize Gonzalo for including pauses in his speeches and takes chunks of information out and imply that he is only advertising this high priced knowledge.
Unlike everyone else, I am unfortunately faced with not sharing the same sentiments when it comes to the ideas and arguments this movie puts forward. I appreciate the fact that there exist documentaries that analyze topics I do not approve of. But the trick is finding them, which in this case genuinely feels impossible. It’s hard for me to defend this film since it has suffered artistically, thematically, and even technically.
After contacting the CE-5 experience, I can assure you that this parole transformation does indeed feel possible at least on paper but given the low quality and effort that is put, one can conclude its shape-shifts into a mere rant disguised as a documentary.
This is uninspiring and deceptive, but what’s the most unpardonable of all is the absence of curiosity. When a documentary lacks curiosity, it can’t be more terrible.
The movie refuses to dig deeper and prove its countless sensational assertions. Important questions are not asked in Contact: The CE-5 Experience because it is too occupied with evangelism.
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