The new horror movie “Escape Room,” which is rated PG-13, is full of predictable scenic setups and plot clichés and it does not even seem to have a storyline. The movie is not very interesting and at the same time, not boring enough to be awful. It follows the lives of six completely interchangeable main characters who are trying to connect the different puzzles that can potentially lead to their downfall. Failure to solve these puzzles can lead to death and that sets the stakes in the film.
The movie has not been designed in a manner that allows one to become attached to the characters which sets a dangerous precedent for the audience since all hope comes in from The Saw franchise, which many see as Escape Room’s greatest inconsistency. Escape Room shares with Saw the idea that not every franchise’s goal is for every viewer to like or appreciate the plots: all it focuses on is the existence of hardcore fans, torturing them is what captures attention. The particular reason why The Saw franchise became popular was for its intense gore but let me put it this way: soap opera-like plots are timeless and needed more attention. This was especially evident in the sixth episode of the franchise as well as the Final Chapter, which was unfortunately NOT the last installment Horror movie enthusiasts had to endure.
“Escape Room” contains a couple of delightfully insane moments, especially when the eccentric and illogical death traps are involved. However, as per the case with a rather weaker PG-13 rating, “Escape Room” is weaker than the “Saw” films, which, unfortunately, is bound to happen. That would not be an issue if “Escape Room” had other principal variances with the “Saw” yeah, however, it is unfortunate that “Escape Room” is nothing more than a less personal, longer version of its predecessors.
Plot twists in ‘Escape Room’ feel shallow as they do little to enhance the film’s plot, which, at its core is puzzling in character. It seems artificial to have six thrill-seekers squeezed into the waiting area of a random office in Chicago. At this point, a woman’s voice informs them to wait for their turn. As a response, they politely introduce themselves. When things seem promising the handle of the suite door breaks, the proprietor of the voice disappears (and what do you know: she was only a recording), and the heater puts out a powerful convection oven blast. And that is how ‘Escape Room’ starts.
You are likely not watching the classic titles like “Saw” and the more recent “Escape Room” for its characters or performances and if you are like me,both of these movies have a satisfying premise. Sadly, the rest of the film doesn’t really deliver on different levels. Sadly, throughout the film, Nik Dodani and Jason Ellis’ performance as the clueless puzzle nerd Danny and hothead Jason were extremely loud. Tyler Labine played the liked, as incompetent trucker Mike, and this character didn’t do anything to enhance the film. Additionally, even Deborah Ann Woll, who is stunningly charming and plays the war vet Amanda, shares a role with little to no screen presence. The only positive is that she is tough and capable.
If I could put my finger on a critique, I would say the film would have been much better without every single person being boring. Logan mill embodies a Ben who is twitchy and ragged and is one of the most unsettled alcoholic. He plays a convincing Byronic teenager, which is a setting that was earlier defined by him. Plus, Taylor Russl portrays a withdrawn college student who is a little too savant for my liking. What happened to Ben and Zoey is unfortunate, but what’s odious is that every unfavorable event that occurs in ‘Escape room’ could have been easily avoided if the movie itself didn’t lack finesse.
To be completely honest, however, the death trap settings are linked by the so called ‘dumb-fun’ themes like, Tim Burton Room, or Dirty Hospital Ward. But that’s about it. The oven-heated waiting room includes dumber clues, like an (unread) copy of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, a water cooler barely on its last leg and a half filled jug. And an upside-down billiards room is only special due to its terribly broken jukebox which annoyingly malfunctions (it plays one song, loudly and frequently!), as well as the swiftly collapsing ceiling I mean floor.
Although it is undoubtably less entertaining than the “Saw” movies, what are the reasons “Escape Room” fails to stand on its own? The characters possess deep secrets that, in theory, provide an understanding of their Sisyphus battles. But their secrets aren’t shaded dark enough, nor the Rube-Goldbergian attempts theatrical enough to be unforgettable. (The second-to-last puzzle room that looks like an abandoned and badly protected hospital ward is overly tedious). Perhaps “Escape Room” would be a welcome rainy escape at the beginning of January’s pre-Oscars period. But if you happen to miss “Escape Room” while it was being showcased in cinemas, you could legitimately miss it throughout your lifetime.
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