Jake Reid’s father was killed during a gruesome mass shooting after a robbery gone wrong in Covelo, California. As head of the family, Jake returns to Covelo in pursuit of the cash that was never discovered. He joins forces with Laura, an attractive local who happens to be the daughter of a man who was murdered by Jake’s father during a robbery 15 years ago.
What is supposed to be a walk in the park transforms into a more demanding reality because of a corrupt sheriff and the townsfolk that give this small California town the “Wild Wild West” aura. As it turns out, when Jake remaining partner in the robbery escapes prison, things take a driven turn to the worse.
Takes the cake for my favorite Day of Vengeance, an exceptional crime thriller that is as equally engaging as A Simple Plan is and is a movie where a man meets the most challenging moral dilemma, forcing him to make a decision on what he stands for and the life choices he makes.
If there were such a thing as a ‘standard’ indie film, Day of Vengeance would likely fall squarely under its heading. Day Of Vengeance is a feature film by Isaac Pingree who is a director. Day of Vengeance appears to be restrained by its budget, independently filmed features like shots that are taken in natural lighting and capturing shadows instead of devoting time to special effects. Even with the film’s low rating, Passanisi’s narrow realistic script combined with the director’s cinematic vision allows the audience to experience raw subtle drama at its height.
But as with any remotely low-budget indie film, the production quality of this film suffers severely from poor acting talent and uneven production value. However, the Day of Vengeance does possess certain appealing attributes which is why LifeSize Entertainment has decided to put it on DVD and why the film was awarded the Best Action Film title at the Staten Island Film Festival.
It would be interesting to see how much of the potential the director could unlock with a slightly better budget.
Day of Vengeance is propelled significantly due to actress Alycia Tumblin’s performance, portraying an older girl with trauma. Also, David Fine, Johnnie Rodriguez, and Stu Klitsner shine as well. The film’s stand-out, however, is undoubtedly the cinematography done by D.P. Mike Foodman, who uses 16mm film and manages to elevate the picture above its meager budget. Additionally props to Will Collins for delivering an original score that goes wonderfully with the picture’s visuals.
The DVD of Day of Vengeance contains a commentary featuring the director some of the writers and the D.P. as well as a photo gallery featurette, and a preview of the movie.
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