Here I am on a deceptively calm Saturday morning ready to watch a movie. Gosh, the nerves! On the spectrum of how much I liked the movie, I’d rate it positively. But, do I harbor an unusual phobia of car crashes and terrible drivers? Yes. So I found this movie quite discomforting. I’ll go into all the details about what I liked and didn’t like below.
Character-wise, Shane played by Williams for sure stood out to me the most. He did far better than Jaqueline from Panettiere. I personally found her character a bit too caricaturish more than anything else. Even while trailing a kidnapper (but before she actually knows he’s the kidnapper) she was far too enthusiastic for me to buy it. Seriously, does anyone ever wake up one day and follow a random car because there’s an Amber Alert? If this happens people are constantly walking around, then I apologize for being cynical. But truthfully, I would call 911 and I do not imagine ever being crazy, metaphorically of course, about the kid on this car.
Holding onto the pacing of the movie, I feel the movie did keep me fully engaged the entire time.
I found the screeching of tires unnerving and the blaring of horns highly irritating. Their complete disregard for traffic lights drove me insane while their obsession with racing made me really uncomfortable. But the worst part was the last part. The thing that bothered me the most? The pacing was not it.
The plot was what I had the most reservations with. Everything felt so… I don’t know, off? It is strange how they started tracking a suspicious kidnapper solely because he was driving a Camry (I drive a Camry so I know how ridiculous this is). Or maybe that they went as far as dropping a headphone in this guy’s car that happened to work each time they needed to listen to something (I wish my earbuds worked like that). Or maybe it is just the standard case of abduction. I really was waiting for Hayden Panettiere’s character to have some killer backstory that made her want to chase this vehicle but that is not the case. She had more than the expected “backstory” but I did not appreciate how…. how do I say, lackluster it was.
Still not the best way to spend an hour and forty minutes. 3.5 out of 5 stars for me. Still, I will say this. I definitely will not be the one to do crazy car chases if my nerves are this fried after only a movie!
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