Exclusive (1992)



The series takes a different approach to the widely accepted narrative of Jesus the Messiah and his life before he began his ministry. It also provides an elaborate description of events that come with his mystery and teachings.

After the premiere that took place in December 2017, the film as well as the pilot of ‘The Chosen’ was released in April 2019. It is fascinating how The Chosen was accepted by many people, especially Christians.

The film captures the life experiences of Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, Matthew as well as Nicodemus. You are given a glimpse of where their lives were at and how they were fairing before they soothed their issues and troubles with the messiah.

For a series set over 2000 years ago, The Chosen shows an array of issues that are relevant and affect many people today. In this film, you witness their initial skepticism toward his teachings and how he gradually wins them over. The pace at which their transformation and growth in faith occur is steady and believable in this movie.

Indeed, the discussions are informative and uncover more than you might already know from the scriptures. Or how desperately these individuals had to suffer during that period as people in extreme debt or getting completely alienated by their relatives for being part of an association that they simply did not agree with.

Few people will deny this series is methodical, meaning, it’s pretty boring in the beginning so getting your attention is quite hard. However, when you do push through it, the jaw-dropping introduction behind the principal characters should retain your attention internally.

The audience is shown the view of the apostles as opposed to solely Jesus as seen in every other movie regarding him. It further explores the apparent ‘politics’ concerning the scribes of the time as well as the references cited from the Torah that determined how people lived then.

Out of the wide variety of Christian-themed films that I have watched, The Chosen stands out because of its excellent acting. The situations are very well acted, and so is the intensity needed to portray them. The actors truly delivered great performances that are overshadowed by the varying accents the characters have throughout the movie.

It was like Jonathan Roumie was born to play Jesus. He is soft-spoken and smooth, not intimidating but very convincing. He is also a great speaker. Jonathan seamlessly performs the spin of witty humor that the character contains in this film. Even while he interacts with children, you can’t help but admire the way he portrays love and warmth.

The entire series has been made better with a nicely done sound score. The soundtrack features mostly modern-day music which gives it a nice touch. During miracles, the sound score amplifies and so does the mood. You could almost sense the power and authority that accompanies something as miraculous as healing a leper or turning water into wine.

Love is the most important message taught in this film. As a Christian, you would expect nothing less. This is evident in all of the actions and teachings of Jesus.

The season finale does not disappoint as the eighth episode does a spectacular job of previewing the next season. With all of the apostles together there is still confusion about if their decision to follow the son of man is the correct one. Jesus meets the woman at the well and reveals himself to her as the Messiah John the Baptist spoke of. She excitedly rushes off to spread the news of the amazing thing she has just learned which is supposedly the start of his ministry.

I would rate this series a well-earned rating of 7.5/10. Dallas Jenkins does a great job of putting a unique twist on a somewhat popular story with familiar characters and well-known ‘fictionalized’ historic events.

For believers, this film is a must-watch. While it is somewhat over-dramatized, it captures the essence of all that the Bible has taught us. Even for those who do not believe, this serves as a moderate form of entertainment that reminds you of the importance of faith in God.

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