Forgotten Evil (2017)



A boat dumps Jane Doe and her burlap sack into the ocean. Jane musters her strength, swims to the surface, and is taken to the hospital. There, she is truly frightened when she learns that she has amnesia. She cannot recall anything, not even her loved ones, which makes it feel like her existence is non-existent. Oh and one last thing, she has been in a coma for six months. Nurse Mariah tells Jane that she will discover who she is.

In the hospital, Jane Doe knows that her memory is lost forever. Sometimes, Jane feels as though she is going mad because she has the sensation of being watched or followed. One day, she meets Randy, an attractive young man whose mother is a patient suffering from Alzheimer’s, as he is visiting her. After a conversation, Randy said that Jane should go ahead and pick a name she would like best — it’s not like she would ever remember it. Jane picked ‘Renee’ and is discharged a while after. Dr. Mariah will take over and help Renee set up her new life. Near the exit, Renne asks Randy for coffee.

Renee moves in with Mariah, and when she does, the feeling of being followed will suddenly appear. She confides this to her therapist, who recommends hypnosis.

Mariah tells Renne that based on her injuries when she came into the hospital, there is sufficient indication that morbidity was involved. Growing up in an abusive household is something Maria also succured. She agrees to have a home security system installed and promises that she would not let anything happen to Renee.

While waiting for a ride, Renee encounters Randy once more. This time she asks him to join her and Mariah for dinner. Dinner is served at a karaoke bar, and Renne knows the lyrics to the song. She gets up with Randy and poorly sings the song which she enjoys until she spots someone that unsettles her in the audience. Randy takes Rennee outside to calm her, and they kiss.

Mariah encourages Rennee to bring her family history to the surface. They drive to the location where she was found, which is near water and triggers some memories for her. They coincidentally are right next to a boat with the name Renee painted on it.

As the therapist is closing the office for the day, he is surprised by someone in a hoodie. The man attacks him, and her blames herself for Renee’s death.

Has someone from her past come back trying to prevent her from remembering? And just like that, Renee is fired from her workplace after racy images of her in bondage appear on her work desk.

Randy picks Renee up and she tells him she thinks someone is chasing her. Randy listens to her and is ecstatic whenever she refers to him as his boyfriend, which is puzzling because she is his girlfriend. Instead of Mariah, he offers to let Renee stay with him.

While having coffee, a bald man approaches Renee holding a photo of her. Randy tries to defend her but the bald man says he is a private eye looking for her. Renee contacts a sheriff who sends over a deputy to check out the man. Before the sheriff arrives, Randy finds the PI first and runs him off the road. From him, he finds out who hired him and then brutalizes him. Once he realizes it is Randy, he kills him.

Mariah lets Renee live with Randy at his cabin deep in the woods, but makes him promise to protect her. At work, Mariah notices a stranger with Randy’s mother and assumes it is his brother. Sadly and wrongly, the man claims he has no brother.

Mariah sends a message to Renee to alert her, but it’s too late; Randy picks up the incoming text messages.

Randy goes to Mariah’s house and confronts her about her investigation on Renee. He locates a folder titled Veronica and instructs Mariah to cease her inquiries. Mariah dashes away, and Randy goes after her. They engage in combat, but eventually, Mariah bests Randy and dials the sheriff. They hurry to assist Renee.

While at the cabin, Renee’s brother Jensen states that she is Veronica and Randy is an abusive husband who attempted to murder her. Renee is not convinced, and both men shoot one another and run into the woods. Jensen attempts to talk some sense into Randy. Renee is unsure of who to trust until her brother drags her from the line of fire.

Renee/Veronica remembers who she really is, but it is too late. She is in a car with Randy, preparing to dispose of Jensen’s body on the dock. She accidentally calls Randy by his actual name which makes him realize that she remembers. Randy ties her to the bed and handcuffs her. He tells her that he gave her everything and that she never loved him.

Renee manages to escape using the quick and extreme method of dislocating her wrists. She attempts to fend off Randy as he throws her into a burlap sack, similarly to last time. Renee ends up getting out of that too and Randing gets kicked into the water, where he drowns. I shot off a flare gun and was rescued.

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