Tracks (2013)


British humor is, without a doubt, superior. To begin with, it’s sharper, wittier, and darker than most of the 5th grade level ‘common denominator’ comedy that seeps into America. As much as British have ‘Britain’ baggage, it is also devoid of much of the ‘Americana’ that makes our movies and TV so hard to bear at times. We have always taken ourselves too seriously. If that sounds snotty and cynical from the get go, that-well, British romantic comedy is twelve times better, eye sore worthy insufferable. It not only becomes tolerable from another dimension, but is sought out and marveled at. Love Actually, Noting Hill, Four Weddings and a Funeral, and the best TV series about friends and lovers: Coupling. The most recent example is ‘Tracks’, a micro budget indie film directed by Jamie Patterson and shot in all the most romantic places in Europe. 

Lucy (April Pearson) and Chris (Chris Willoughby) are both enduring their second dose of adolescence, also known as their thirties which are particularly unhappy and directionless. And by no means, we are talking exclusively about their life as a couple. Having been together for a long time makes them too comfortable to even remember what was special ever about the relationship. The two now wonder if they should stay together as they have completely lost the spark.

Understandably, this is a classic case of youthful fancy. Everyone, or too many of us in this day and age, expect to feel butterflies every time they see their partner. The truth of the matter is that level of stimulation will at some point plateau, and everyone would literally be too exhausted to make dinner. Still, they wish that stimulation stays and decide to share an impulsive trip that would take them all over Europe. They use it as a litmus test: if they don’t feel the intensity of love in places such as Paris *and* Venice, they blame themselves for picking the wrong partner in the first place. 

“…bumping along in their second adolescence (also known as their thirties), neither one particularly happy nor unhappy.” 

Which brings us to Chris a man child imbecile. To him ‘rude’ translates to ‘funny’. Lucy, on the other hand, is a well mannered intelligent woman who surely could get better than Chris. Had I penned the third act, Chris would have reached his proper punishment, and all of us would snicker at him. The pleasure, dear reader, you will need to get from the film is in finding out where Patterson decided to terminate this international bender. Even if it is not how I would have written it, it provides great fulfillment. 

For a film made as a passionate sprint with a nonexistent budget, the film is absolutely fantastic in both sight and sound.

Whether you pick an Ingrid Bergman or Audrey Hepburn, Pearson is simply gorgeous and stylish. With a hint of a smirk, she walks with confidence. Patterson puts the couple into some funny and awkward places that might make you cringe. Willoughby surely is a mindless lout. His superb truism acting leads one to hope he is a good actor because if he is, Willoughby is in deep trouble. It is evident that there is no message hidden deep down. It is just two people, struggling with a string of comical mishaps, attempting to make sense of things while exploring Europe by foot. 

Even with the wolves at the door, Tracks is a gentle comedy with offer a touch of stunning scenery aiding in soothing your trouble.

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