Jurassic Triangle (2024)


Bermuda without a doubt sounds like an amazing destination. Who wouldn’t mind letting themselves loose in a sunny location and relaxing? One can easily sip on refreshing drinks while feeling the sand on their feet. Voila, bliss! However, be sure to exercise caution while crossing the Atlantic because freak storms can pop out of nowhere and take your aircraft down. It is worth noting that “aircrafts” is plural. For some reason beyond my understanding, a group of people ranging from five or more are advised to travel in two helicopters instead of a single plane.

When the ominous dark clouds stretch towards your direction, rest assured knowing that you will be able to smoothly land onto a stable piece of land with minimal injuries. Always remain cautious of dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts, as they can be quite an inconvenience.

I’m not much of a beach, sun, or Bermuda type of person, so tropical vacations don’t particularly appeal to me. That being said, such vacations certainly serve as an appropriate backdrop for the exceptionally entertaining monster fest Jurassic Triangle.

The film does retain some watchable qualities thanks to the actors remaining true to their characters. Once the helicopters crash and Captain Rawson (Rob Kirtley) is out of action, the crew of stranded holidaymakers acts sensibly under the circumstances. They try to remain calm and go looking for help. While these kinds of movies are very easy to mock, the actors certainly did put a lot of work into their performances which makes it moderately believable.

Harry Boxley’s script is also quick and to the point. When mercenaries arrive with Jax (Andre Pierre), it is made clear that the characters did not simply get caught in a storm. They have arrived at an island that is stuck in a time capsule and is populated with its own set of dinosaurs.

This stretch of land resembles the British countryside more than it does a tropical island, but I believe that correlates with the specific nature of the temporal anomaly. “Having established the nature of the island, we are introduced to plenty of gunfights, dino chomping, and a bizarre crab monster with vocal cords that explode like a sonic boom. Was there really a creature that blew its victims to bits with screams? Probably not, but it looks cool and we can allow it. The CG dinosaurs and other creatures might not be the best, but they certainly exceeded my expectations. The dinosaurs and creatures did not look blended into the background, so it is safe to say they looked like they were poorly executed in the background design, but they at least did not look dreadful. That was not the most glowing compliment I’ve ever given, but compared to the design of other movies like Jurassic Triangle, that’s some pretty high praise. One area the movie did fail to caption is the gore of it. Nobody came to watch a movie called Jurassic Triangle expecting top-of-the-line acting and CG. Bearing witness to people being chopped, eviscerated, and splattered is all we’re looking for.”

While there is some splatter in the movie, most of it includes blood gushing out of the characters and that does not satisfy the viewer much. The CG blood annoyance grows even worse as the movie is not shy to at least get a bit physical. Both Jax and Philippa (Chrissie Wunna) participate in the two messiest scenes the picture has to offer. It is in those moments that the Jurassic Triangle shines. If there had only been a couple more gags to further gross out the audience, the movie could have jumped up a few notches in entertainment value.

Even so, Jurassic Triangle is entertaining enough to make it worth a watch. It is a well-paced, thought-out, and executed movie that never overextends itself. If you’re looking to spend a little time on a slow Sunday afternoon and not overly concerned about a convoluted plot, this is the type of movie for you.

There are tons of other films for you to check out that will fulfill your desires for plots that have depth, though those films do not have dinosaurs, monsters, or time vortexes. This film does.

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