When I initially learned the title A Dark Path, I was so unrealistic that it might be associated with the great multicultural movie A Dark Song. Not a chance, it is the new film from Nicholas Winter who is also the writer and director of Bone Breaker. At least it has to be more advanced than that was right?
Abi (Makenna Guyler, The Barge People, Blood Bags) and Lilly (Mari Beaseley, Robin Hood: The Rebellion) are allegedly somewhere in the Eastern Europe because only there is it normal to attend a Hen Party (Bachelorette Party for the people unfamiliar with UK). On their return, the signal of their GPS and their phone goes off. So they attempt the old fashioned way to navigate and finds themselves in the middle of the woods.
Naturally, once they reach there, they get a flat tire. And in this horror movie, the spare is flat too. So somebody has to come by, but no one is going to. The locals run hard from this forest, and rightly so.
One important lesson Bone Breaker taught Winter is that one should film at night. Dark forests are much more terrifying than sunny ones, and A Well Lit Path is not a very terrifying title. Unfortunately, a refrain of a dark path is not very frightening to a dark forest either. Most of the film is just the two main characters aimlessly walking in the woods. Then Lilly gets lost and does not come back. As a result, Abi searches for her. We’re about forty minutes into a seventy minute short film before something else happens. Once Abi finds Hannah (Thomasin Lockwood) I leg amputee who had been presumably hiking, you think things might pick up. And if hearing scary noises counts, they do.
So what about the monster? We just saw the feature, and now it’s the last few minutes of the movie when it appears. It was portrayed by Ade Dimberline (Edge of Extinction), while remaining hidden in the shadows the rest of the time.
In short, A Dark Path consists of about an hour’s worth of partygoers vomiting, arguing, and bumping into each other in the woods and then a ten minute clip of a half-visible creature. When I was finally able to get a look, it looked moderately okay, but at least according to low budget standards. I cannot fathom why Winter did not incorporate this monster earlier. Did he think that all that aimless walking around was more terrifying? Perhaps he thought that making ‘found footage’ by grabbing a camcorder and filming certain parts of the movie was too entertaining and did not need a monster.
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