Pride & Prejudice & Zombies (2016)


At the beginning of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” Mr Darcy states his opinion about Elizabeth Bennet to Mr Bingley saying, “She is tolerable.” In this article, I will share why Steers’ odd adjustment of Pride and Prejudice is considered a blend of the greatest cultures in the world and the most terrible at the same time. Had it been an earlier mention, I could have said the same regarding this film adaptation.

The two reasons for not purchasing this title are, one my lifespan is limited, and two, I would much rather immerse myself in Monsters and Meyers’ Other novels. This stated, I still do believe that the first half to two-thirds of this Steers film is a series of scenes that are never too terrible. To some degree, the entire duration of it is a very basic, but cheap adaptation of Austen’s novel. True, while so many people were previously accustomed to Garson and Olivier, or on the modern side of things Knightley and Macfadyen, I for one believe that James and Riley do come pretty close as far as portraying the characters of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy goes. Despite the fact that for some unknown reason, they do have to fight zombies.

In the beginning, attempting to predict how the brain-eating monsters will be integrated into the story is entertaining. Example: Jane Bennet still rides sidesaddle on horseback, as opposed to using a coach to visit Mr. Bingley. There is rain and she catches a cold. This time, however, she also encounters some mildly undying gory denizens zombies. But this grows less funny with time.

A fairytale prologue tells the tale of the Georgian era fused with horrendous fantasy, where rich children get an education in the Far East in order to learn how to armor themselves against zombie hordes. This could possibly be a cynical way of marketing to the Asian market, which does explain why these corseted ladies are adept in kung fu.

The very first time we come across the Bennet sisters, they are unsheathing swords and polishing muskets. One particularly nice slow-motion shot head-fakes toward Paul WS Anderson-type garters-and-stockings-and-scabbards, though there isn’t quite as much Merchant-Ivory meets Frederick’s of Hollywood as one would expect. Even with Lena Headey as an eyepatch-wearing Lady Catherine, this film is more straightforward about its zombie apocalypse than you might expect. Matt Smith is hilarious as the dimwitted pastor/cousin Mr Collins, but that’s only because his narrative arc is filled with virtually no zombie action.

While I do appreciate a handful of zombie flicks, the low-budget side and the forced nature of the gimmick make the third act, which diverges into an original story for long sequences a snoozefest. A certain scene near the end in which Lizzie and Mr. Darcy engage in romantic banter while actively and excitedly chopping up bodies was certainly pitched to be the presidents of the studio as ‘just so epic and crazy’. By this point in the movie, the reanimated corpses have ceased to be subversive: they’re just dead.

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